Friday, October 26, 2012

FFOT: Got a few, this morning...

Ted Turner.  I think M Sgt B said it best: "If Ted ever feels like being sodomized with a nail-studded baseball bat soaked in gasoline, I'm sure he won't have a shortage of volunteers. American soldiers love to help people out."  He can, indeed, fuck right the fuck off, and then die a painful death from rectal prolapse.

Okay, the next is closer to home: the guy that owns the house that my newest set of neighbors live in can fuck right the fuck off, for several reasons.
  •  He gave them verbal indication that he'd let them rent-to-own the house, to be paid off at $20,000 (about what the place was worth).  When he put the contract in front of them, the price had jumped to $46,000.  They wanted to walk away, but he told them he'd let them into the house for $100, plus the expectation that they'd start repairs.  That put them over a barrel because that was literally all they had.
  • Not keeping the utilities in his name until they could have gotten the deposits together, again like he'd promised.  They told him they could pay the electric and water bills, but couldn't do that and get the deposits together.  
  • Assuring them, again verbally, that they could stay and just pay him what they could for rent, when they could, then sending them an eviction  notice after they'd done a few hundred dollars' worth* (if not more) in repairs to the hovel he'd cheated them into.  
The broken promises and misleading statements honestly sound like the guy would do well in politics.  He can fuck off with a 6x6" barbed-wire-wrapped, powdered glass coated building timber, lubricated with sulfuric acid, skunk musk, and the rotten ejaculate of pigs.  Assholery like that needs to hurt, so that they can learn to behave better.

*They've rewired the dangerously messed up wiring, fixed gaping holes in the walls, shored up sagging ceiling, fixed some of the plumbing (though there is more to go--they ran out of supplies and money), cleaned up the yard, and put in a range top and installed an in-the-wall oven, neither of which they can use because of the whole lack of electricity thing.  


  1. Wow, that guy really can FTFO. What a jerk. I don't get how people like that can sleep at night.

  2. A Yogi Berra ism comes to mind: "A verbal contract isn't worth the paper it's not written on" - or something like that anyway..........

    1. I know that, and *you* know that, but these people are really desperate, and kind of too trusting of anyone who says they'll let 'em do something for a price they can afford.

  3. I aspire to your standard of intricate descriptions of disgusting acts of sodomy. You're a pro.

    I need to keep practicing.

    1. *Takes bow* Thank you...thank you...but I am far from the best. The best has simply retired from posting FFOT rants after they moved from another blog that quit posting in '08. Now HIS posts were EPIC.


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