Friday, December 31, 2010
Not that it'll do much good...
The attitude displayed in the video below illustrates why I don't think it will do a damn bit of good:
The Constitution is a simple, straightforward document. It's next to impossible to misunderstand. The language it's written in is plain, and unadorned by the standards of the time it was written, and is still pretty plain--especially when compared with the legalese that current bills (which must be passed before we can learn what's in them) are written in.
In fact, the Constitution is so simple and easy to understand that it takes a lawyer or a progressive linguist like Noam Chompsky to misunderstand what it says. We, the people of the United States understand it just fine. And we're not happy that congress has deliberately misconstrued what Article I, section 8 says it can do, and has deliberately ignored that what isn't listed in that section, it can't do: those are the things that are reserved to the states or to the people.
You know, like forcing people to buy health insurance. Or like seizing GM.
Amen, Gunny
I wish I could thank him for speaking out, and thank him for serving. Any of my readers (all three or so of you) who have served--thank you. And thank any of your acquaintance who've served for me.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
An illustration of why my kids are going to be taught how to safely handle guns as soon as possible...
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
"Merry Christmas" aren't dirty words
Happy holidays. From a Salvation Army bell ringer. I could only assume he said that instead of the Merry Christmas we usually hear because he's been brainwashed into political correctness by his public school.
Whatever the case, it was just sad.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Role models
I didn’t have good role models on how a good marriage worked as I was growing up. My parents’ relationship failed, mostly due to the actions and inactions of my male genetic donor (though I doubt my mother was entirely blameless). One aunt is still married to her first husband after about twenty years, but that relationship is far from healthy. Another aunt has had one good marriage out of four, and that uncle was badly addicted to narcotics, and wound up committing suicide.
Not one relative that I’ve had close contact with was in a good, healthy, happy marriage. None of my friends’ parents (what few friends I had) were, either.
A lot of my current friends say I just lucked out in finding my husband. I agree, but I also had a role model: Maureen Johnson Smith Long of Robert Heinlein’s To Sail Beyond the Sunset.
So, yes: everything I need to know in life I learned from Robert Heinlein. The specific lessons that Maureen taught me about being a good wife and having a good marriage mostly had to do with my behavior—something I haven’t seen in most marriages I’ve seen fail.
--Dear, don’t bore him with trivia or burden him with your past mistakes. The happiest way to deal with a man is never to tell him anything he does not need to know.
While that one applies in part to past relationships (i.e., don’t go on and on and on about your exes; rather enjoy the relationship you’re in while you apply what you learned from your past failure), it’s not completely good advice anymore—not in this age of herpes, HIV/AIDS and other STDs. That said, that advice doesn’t just apply to past mistakes. If you’ve had a bad day, don’t unload on him when he comes home. It isn’t his fault, and most men don’t know that most women would rather vent than hear suggestions on how to fix things.
He also doesn’t need to hear about your latest argument with your mother.
Another way I try to model my behavior after Maureen’s is this: she tried, in her words, to be a gourmet chef in the kitchen (though, I know my limits), an economist in the household accounts, a duchess in the drawing room, and a perfect whore in the bedroom.
I have my limits, in the kitchen. I’m a decent cook within those limits. (If there’s any interest, I can post some of my more original, easy, quick, and relatively healthy recipes.) I do take pretty good care of the household accounts most of the time—things do tend to slip my mind while I’m pregnant, though. I do have a persona while out in public of a normal, respectable, responsible young wife and mother. Nobody that I don’t know would have any idea that I keep this blog, or that my opinions and beliefs might not follow the mainstream in this area. Last, unlike Maureen, I do tend to be possessive and jealous—I don’t think I could have the same type of open marriage she did in the book. Nor could I fathom wanting to sleep with anyone other than my husband. That said, I do try (and succeed) to be open minded and willing. And joyfully abandoned.
Last, but not least, is this:
--Formal courtesy between husband and wife is even more important than it is between strangers.
I cannot tell you how true this is. I have seen so many couples ignore this, and so many tend to fall into whinging about their spouse, or putting them down (sometimes in their presence), or bullying them, or being rude and expecting it not to matter.
It matters. The closer the proximity, the more it matters when feelings get hurt. The more (and more often) feelings get hurt, the less the one being hurt is inclined to give the other the benefit of the doubt when something just comes out wrong.
Besides that, I love my husband. I cannot bear to see him hurt by anything or anyone. I think it would half kill me if I did it through carelessness, when the same courtesy I extend to strangers could have prevented it. I could not do it on purpose, like I’ve seen other couples do.
I cannot recommend Heinlein’s work enough. The man had a deep understanding of life and human nature that many modern authors lack, and a knack for storytelling that is unmatched in any era, or by any other author.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Rough weekend...
That has changed. I went into labor Saturday morning. My tiny little snuggle bug was born Saturday afternoon, and will be going home with me today. She weighed 6 pounds, 1 ounce; was 18.5 inches long; and was in a huge hurry. I got to the hospital at around 2:00 p.m., and she arrived two and a half hours later.
I've got some end of the semester stuff to wrap up, but will post pictures of both her and her brother after I post grades on Monday.
After that, I'll be back to my regular news and political commentary, which I'd been avoiding to try to keep from going into stress-induced labor.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Let's give thanks for our blessings.
I'm thankful that I'm an American, with a founding document that forbids the government from interfering with my God-given rights to talk about anything I want. I'm thankful that I have a voice in firing a government that I don't think is doing its job right, and hiring its replacement.
I'm thankful that I'm married to my best friend and partner. I'm deeply thankful for that, despite never having had an example of a healthy marriage to base my expectations on.
I'm thankful that I have at least a part-time job that I love doing. I wish I could be in front of a classroom again, but I'm also extremely thankful that I had the option of staying home with my young son and teaching all online.
I'm thankful for my son's spectacularly good health, despite his rough start.
I'm thankful, deeply thankful, that I'm still pregnant with my daughter, despite the discomfort. Each week she stays put makes it more likely that we'll avoid another long hospital stay with her.
I'm thankful for each and every one of my friends, whether they're real life friends or blog friends. OldCatMan, Mousie, Ricki, Ken, and many others--you all mean a lot to me.
I'm thankful that despite my rough childhood, I managed to grow up with remarkably few lasting issues.
The things I'm thankful for are never far from at least part of my mind. I may not express it often in public, but I never forget to Whom the thanks is due.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Lessons forgotten, but not obselete: Rudyard Kipling's take
As I pass through my incarnations in every age and race
I make my proper prostrations to the Gods of the Market-Place.
Peering through reverent fingers I watch them flourish and fall,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings, I notice, outlast them all.
We were living in trees when they met us. They showed us each in turn
That Water would certainly wet us, as Fire would certainly burn:
But we found them lacking in Uplift, Vision and Breadth of Mind,
So we left them to teach the Gorillas while we followed the March of Mankind.
We moved as the Spirit listed. They never altered their pace,
Being neither cloud nor wind-bourne like the Gods of the Market-Place.
But they always caught up with our progress, and presently word would come
That a tribe had been wiped off its icefield, or the lights had gone out in Rome.
With the Hopes that our World is built on they were utterly out of touch
They denied that the Moon was Stilton; they denied she was even Dutch
They denied that Wishes were Horses; they denied that a Pig had Wings.
So we worshipped the Gods of the Market Who promised these beautiful things.
When the Cambrian measures were forming, They promised perpetual peace.
They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease.
But when we disarmed They sold us and delivered us bound to our foe,
And the Gods of the Copybook Heading said: "Stick to the Devil you know."
On the first Feminian Sandstone we were promised the Fuller Life
(Which started by loving our neighbor and ended by loving his wife)
Till our women had no more children and the men lost reason and faith,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "The Wages of Sin is Death."
In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all,
By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul;
But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "If you don't work you die."
Then the Gods of the Market tumbled, and their smooth-tongued wizards withdrew,
And the hearts of the meanest were humbled and began to believe it was true
That All is not Gold that Glitters, and Two and Two make Four--
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings limped up to explain it once more.
As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man --
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began --
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire --
And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Then, in the comments, things got ugly. I don't know what it is about women in general and radical (or at least borderline radical) feminists in specific that takes any reasonable point made by a man and twists it to mean (in their mind) that all men are either rapists, or blame-the-victim apologists.
Actually, I think I do understand: women's brains tend to disengage when they perceive that someone is disagreeing with them. That tends to lead to the types of rather hysterical attacks, instead of the realization nobody disagrees with them. The men they're attacking as apologists also don't want women to be raped. However, since women tend to want to vent, and men tend to listen and try to think of ways to fix the problem, the men offer logical suggestions (i.e., don't drink way too much around people you probably don't know).
Women don't want to hear the logical, reasonable suggestions. They counter with "I should be able to drink as much as I want, anywhere I want, wearing whatever I want, and nobody should harass me about it." And then, they attack the man who dared offer constructive suggestions as if he was a rapist.
In a perfect world, they'd be right that they should never have to be careful. However, this world is not perfect. It has not been perfect since the first couple disobeyed their Maker in the one thing he told them not to do. Yes, we have the right to do what we want, when we want, however we want--however, just as it's the responsibility of any individual not to attack another, each of us also has the responsibility to do our utmost to protect ourselves. It is not anyone else's responsibility. It is definitely not the responsibility of a man--not even my husband--to defend me, now that I'm an adult.
However, it seems that just pointing out that this isn't a perfect world, and it is each individual's responsibility to maintain situational awareness and protect themselves is, in certain circles, tantamount to blaming the victim for the attack. And, as such, is as reprehensible as the rapist himself.
It's just another reason I dislike most other women. I prefer to hang around with people who use their brains as much as they do their emotions. Maybe that makes me a misogynist; however, since I am a woman, by certain arguments, I cannot be one.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Sorry I've been out of touch.
I'll try to write a few things, but make no promises.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
My imp turned two, today.
I'll add pictures, later. It's amazing how much he's grown.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
I say again: gun free zones = target rich environments
The only thing gun laws do is disarm the law abiding.
Ironies: the spice of life.
First up: green shopping (i.e., bringing your own bags) is good for the environment, but bad for the shopper. Apparently, no one thinks to wash their bags, and they get full of bacteria that make people sick.
I guess those plastic Wal-Mart bags aren't so evil, after all, huh? If hippies feel guilty about just throwing them away, they could always use them for other things: they make great packing padding for glassware, or great small trashcan liners.
Or, if the hippies are still too down on disposable bags, they can always just get sick. No skin of my nose, and they have been warned, now.
Second: Minnesota is running out of money for their unemployment offices. Guess who's being let go? Here's a hint: it's not the admin staff. No, they're letting the job counselors go.
I guess it's time for the counselors to counsel themselves.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Food nannies
Monday, September 20, 2010
work, work, work.
Wish me luck.
I guess the warming part of the natural climate cycle is definitely over.
Why people shouldn't store their guns in the "proper" manner.
We do not store our pistols in the same manner.
Yes, each handgun is out of the toddler's reach; however, there is a loaded pistol in almost every room of our house where we spend a significant amount of time (with the exception of the imp's room).
Want to know why? This is a good demonstration of what happens when people follow the "accepted, proper gun safety" advice.
I'm not saying our local law enforcement is as incompetent as those in Cheshire, CT; however, when your door is being kicked in by thugs intent on harming you and yours, you have seconds, at most, to react. You don't have the five to ten minutes, minimum, it will take for your 911 call to fetch a response from a competent law enforcement office (longer for the incompetent ones).
It is not the responsibility of the police to prevent crime. It is the responsibility of the police to investigate, solve, and punish crime. It is up to each and every individual one of us to protect ourselves.
And we can only do that if we're prepared for the worst case scenario, and are armed, even in our own homes.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Arrogant and stupid.
This family is a very good example of this. They're trying to force a private, Catholic high school to permit their son to enroll, despite their refusal to get the kid the vaccinations to protect the other students. Their justification is that, since we're all made in the image of God, introducing anything into the body (such as immunizations) is a violation of the will of God.
I've got several issues with this. First and foremost, they have no right to force a private high school to allow their son to attend. Were it a public school, I'd question their intelligence in wanting to enroll him so badly, but not their rights. Second, not getting their son vaccinated endangers all of the kids around him. Last, they've decided that they know the mind of God better than almost everyone else in the world, which contains several different problematic issues that caught my attention.
That last issue is the main one that gets me: their claim that the body is perfect as it is, and should have nothing else introduced to mar that perfection of being created in the image of God is a dangerously narrow-minded, too-literal interpretation of one single passage. Yes, we are made in the image of God--but which part of us? God is spirit: spirit does not include body. I believe it was our souls that were made in God's image.
Personally, I believe God pushed the start button on the big bang, and on evolution, and sat back to watch the show unfold until something developed that was complex enough to house the soul: homo sapiens. Like Mousie, I believe Genesis was never meant to be interpreted as literally as some ignorant individuals do: "It is impossible to look at Genesis and believe that its main intent is natural history. It makes a spectacularly bad natural history."
That entire idea that the body is perfect, and that nothing should be introduced is a very dangerous one: what about infections? Does that mean they'll not permit their kid to be treated with antibiotics? What about cancer? Will they sentence their child to a painful death, because of their belief that intervening in the body is a sin? There are verses that mention that the body is a temple to God, but that's in reference to intoxicants and sexual promiscuity, mutilation and self-harm: things that can and often do cause irreparable harm to both body and soul, not to things intended to preserve health and life. Like antibiotics. Like cancer treatments.
Like immunization vaccines.
If those idiot parents truly believe that their bodies are perfect, and that nothing should be introduced, maybe they need to be forced to follow that belief themselves, and starved to death.
Monday, September 13, 2010
It's nice to know that I'm not the only one.
Still, that's not what's formed my impression of her. I feel much the same way about The Beatles' music. No, my impression of her is that she's totally fake. Plastic. Not even as real as Barbie, who at least usually sports a happy smile.
What scares me is that most of her fans don't see just how fake she is. Camille Paglia suggests it's because they're so immersed in electronic communication (Facebook, texting, anything but face-to-face, voice to voice communication) that they simply can't see the difference between a put up, faked-up, electric persona and a real person.
I'm not saying that Lady Gaga can't sing--even The Beatles could sing, and I really hate their music with very few exceptions. All I'm saying is that her persona is disturbing on a level that was, and is, difficult to articulate. I wonder if the artist is still in there, or if somehow the manufactured doll put out by the music industry is all that's left.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Happy anniversary.
And we're still only marginally safer now than we were then.
I've heard people whining for years, now, that the reason they hate us is because we're belligerent. That we export a culture offensive to Islam, with the nudity, sex, and alcohol routinely portrayed in the media. That we should leave them to rule their world the way they see fit.
I don't recall United States citizens hijacking full passenger planes and ramming them into office buildings full of Muslims in Saudi Arabia, with American citizens celebrating in the streets of American cities as the buildings collapsed and the death tolls rose. Seems to me it happened the other way around.
I don't recall the United States forcing our culture on other nations in the name of religious tolerance. Seems to me that we're the ones bending over backwards to accommodate an enemy ideology, welcoming it into our midst like the idiots we are.
I don't recall any attempts by radical leftists--especially feminists--to force the same standards of behavior onto Muslims that they intimidate the rest of us in the West into, such as treating women, homosexuals, and those of other colors, beliefs, and nationalities as equal members of the human race. Seems to me those same radical leftists are too busy declaring the Muslim culture, which routinely stones rape victims to death because they're unchaste women, the moral equivalent of the culture where the rape victim is seen as a victim instead of punished as a criminal.
Nine years. We've spent nine years coddling a culture that aims suicide bombers at our troops, that buries bombs on roads that as often kill their own people as ours, that wants to force the entire world back into the seventh century, and under their own sandal heels.
People are angry. Politicians seem to have forgotten that the people who elected them have longer memories, don't see the "bigger picture" (if there is one), and only see that political correctness allows terrorists to stalk our armed forces from within their own ranks. Politicians beg us, "Please, oh please, don't provoke them."
What about us? What about the victory center that Islam wants to build on the very grounds that they destroyed nine years ago? What about the bibles, rosaries, Crucifixes, and other symbols of Christianity that are against the law to own in the middle east and are routinely burned in Saudi Arabia? What about the bibles we forced our own troops to burn so that we wouldn't offend those we were sent to subjugate so that they couldn't attack us again? Isn't that provoking us?
Is it any wonder that so many are behind the crazed pastors that want to burn the Koran today?
Nine years. I suspect this is only the first nine years in the next two hundred.
God knows we're not willing to do what's necessary to end it sooner, and prevent their "civilization" from destroying ours in the process.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
From an e-mail
1. You refine heroin for a living, but you have a moral objection to liquor.
2. You own a $3,000 machine gun and $5,000 rocket launcher, but you can't afford shoes.
3. You have more wives than teeth.
4. You wipe your butt with your bare hand, but consider bacon unclean."
5. You think vests come in two styles: bullet-proof and suicide.
6. You can't think of anyone you haven't declared Jihad against.
7. You consider television dangerous, but routinely carry explosives in your clothing.
8. You were amazed to discover that cell phones have uses other than setting off roadside bombs.
9. You have nothing against women and think every man should own at least four.
10. Your cousin is president of the United States
What part of "...shall not..." don't they understand?
Regardless, since they couldn't get the EPA to do their dirty work, the administration is trying to restrict our rights to keep and bear arms by restricting and more heavily regulating the manufacturing end of things.
The interesting thing is that, not only was there no violence incited when the Islamofacists burn the Bible, crosses, and other Christian artifacts, but Christian soldiers were ordered to burn Bibles translated into the two most common Afghan languages (and obeyed those orders) rather than permit Islamofacists to believe that we were trying to convert their slaves to Christianity.
And the media is always far more worried about right-wing Christian violence that never materializes. Go figure.
I don't mind part of their idea.
Unfortunately, that's not going to happen. First of all, since it's Chicago, it's far more likely that the individuals saying that they're only violent because their lives suck* will be handed the jobs and privileges taken from the law-abiding. They are, after all, helpless victims of the welfare culture that removed productive role-models (hard-working fathers) from the home in the 60's and 70's.
Second, and most importantly, these are criminals, and government only wants to prevent the law abiding from using violence to defend ourselves from the violent. Only the law-abiding are a threat to the government.
After all, what is our current government but a "legal" gang?
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Funny, how they won't take their own medicine.
The UFT fired him.
It occurred to me that there was something wrong when the union doesn't want to give the same benefits to their employees that they fight for for the ones they represent.
After I thought about it for a while longer, I started to wonder: if the unions (the biggest business of them all) can't afford that kind of salary, benefits, and vacation package, can we, the taxpayers, afford that for all teachers?
I'm not saying that some teachers don't earn it. Many earn it many times over. Jaime Escalante is a very good example of "Whatever they're paying him, it isn't enough."
However, with dropout and fail rates increasing (though being hidden by schools' massaging of the numbers), literacy and numerical literacy rates falling to the point that some kids don't qualify for community college remedial math classes, and students (and employers) holding the opinion that people have to have a degree to be qualified to work, maybe we can't afford to keep giving our teachers so much.
We've proved over the past quarter of a century that throwing more money at the problem hasn't solved it. Teachers' unions stand firmly against merit pay bonuses, so maybe starting teachers and ineffective teachers need to be forced into pay and benefit cuts.
Effectively, yeah: that may be classified as merit pay. But it's really not that hard to determine which teachers deserve it. All we have to do is compare apples to apples: test all students in one school grade, with the same test, at the beginning and end of the year, throw out the highest and lowest scorers in each class, and compare the medians. Students know who the best teachers are; why can't administrations figure it out?
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
A good example of why holsters are always a good idea.
Monday, August 30, 2010
About time.
Let's see if that extends as far as recognizing that it can't seize property (or abrogate property owners' rights), or lay taxes.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
They've got apps for everything.
There's also an app that helped a Texas homeowner know his house was being broken into, so that he could call 911. While he was on vacation in Connecticut.
I've got an app for that, too, for all that I don't have an iPhone, don't go on vacation often at all, and almost never that far away. Here's my app to prevent burglary:

This made me cry a little.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
I'd be laughing at any congresscritter getting no professional courtesy from their colleagues, such as the above; however, the fact that it's a foreign-born Democrat woman, and a typical liberal, makes it better.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Who do these guys remind you of?
I like this one even better. Don't ask me why--I couldn't quite put my finger on it. It's the same band and singer backing up one of the greatest guitarists of the 80's and early 90's.
Too...many...remarks! Can't pick one!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Bitch has no rights in this country.
She needs to be sent back to Guatemala, bulk rate shipping, postage due.
That needs to happen to each and every criminal alien who pops a kid out on American soil: they get arrested and deported, with their child given to an American couple who can't have kids of their own, to love and raise.
The sad thing is that the Brits are seeing the Obama presidency more clearly than the current administration.
Ready for classes next week...
Not to mention it leaves me feeling like I don't have quite enough time to get rested from teaching, and ready to teach fall classes.
In any case, though, I did get my textbook finished, and got my site adjusted to remove stuff that I put in the textbook. They don't need to be downloading and using the handouts, but ignoring the explanations of what they're supposed to be doing. And way too many of them do just that.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
So, in other words, we need to move away from service industry to manufacture?
However, the factories mentioned in the articles aren't your grandpa's factories, nor are the jobs something any schlub can do. Most of these factories are automated: that means the jobs require brains, adaptability, and quality education, things that the majority of the American workforce in general lacks.
Thing is, unions have most of American manufacture in a stranglehold. There are still some auto companies that have factories in the U.S. that aren't government owned. Most of those are in non-union states.
Kansas, Missouri, and much of flyover country are right-to-work states. Maybe it'll be flyover country that hauls the rest of the country out of the depression we're currently mired in.
We just need to build a few more factories, and fight to keep unions from raping our workers.
Trust me, people, this isn't a new concept...
Um, guys? I've had a checking account with one bank or another for thirteen years, now, and my checking accounts have always been free. The last three banks I've done business with have had free online bill pay. Nor have I ever paid for a savings account.
The article I linked above mentioned that there's a large percentage of people who don't use bank services. Isn't that their choice? Isn't it their choices to engage in behavior (i.e., constantly bouncing checks) that discourages banks from offering them the same type of free checking I've had for darn near half my life?
And, as for the "minorities" cited by the article, isn't it a personal choice to commit the crime of jumping the border so that they don't have the identification documents most banks require to open an account?
This strikes me as just another instance of the Community Reinvestment Act, the government interference that directly caused sub-prime lending, the housing bubble, and the current economic problems caused by people defaulting on really stupid loans.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Racist idiot.
Excuse me, but that leaves the individual totally out of the equation.
Beyond that? Harry Reid most recent stupidity overlooks one of the main reasons legal residents and naturalized citizens support enforcing current immigration law, by either the federal government or the state: nobody likes someone who butts to the head of the line.
I wonder if they're going to be finally going sane?
It looks like now, they're finally realizing that they can't keep doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results.
Stupid sellers shouldn't have accepted the offer.
But they shouldn't have accepted the offer, then refused to sign the papers. That does make them criminally liable.
This smacks of a setup for murder.
I don't think it's a good idea to set a man up for murder by replacing Joe Biden with Hillary Clinton. If the trade is made, I don't think Obama (should he be re-elected--which I doubt) would live longer than the first two years and one day of his second term.
I don't like the man, either personally, or as a president. However, I'd never wish death upon him, if only for the sake of his daughters.
The answer is yes.
I'm not protesting the paychecks/benefits of law enforcement officers and teachers. In point of fact, given how much of themselves the really good ones give, they aren't paid enough.
However, those in other government jobs really shouldn't have the benefits they do, not at their pay levels and amount of actual work they do.
That goes more than double for federal workers in the legislative branch.
You'd think they'd WELCOME state aid...
The same bureaucracy that stuck its nose in the air and refused to process those turned over by Arizona. Because Arizona's racist, y'know.
I've got a few ideas to cut cost: cut the paperwork and ship the criminals back to where they came from. That would definitely cut some costs.
My other, preferred idea is to post ICE agents down on the border in well-sheltered "hides" with a high-powered rifle and orders to ignore all South-bound illegals, and take out all North-bound wetbacks. Yeah, there'd have to be legislation passed to refuse all lawsuits brought by Mexico and/or the criminals' families, but that would be even cheaper than shipping them back where they came from.
Got my textbook more than half done.
I've got about seven chapters done, and four chapters left to pull together and write. Not much left at all.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Setting up for fall
I do plan on doing some, so stay tuned.
I think, maybe, every citizen ought to carry a digital camera of some sort.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
This is probably a lowball estimate.
My guestimate of a dollar amount is based on this: some are granted something like $50/month because of other government benefits that put them just over the threshold, of getting a reasonable, monthly budget of groceries, but still below where they can easily afford to feed them selves; others get $300+ per month per family member. I sort of averaged the likely numbers together to guess that people on food stamps average out to around $200/month.
That's $816 million dollars handed out in entitlements, mostly to those who don't understand the difference between needs and wants (like I mentioned in this blog post). Per month.
Now, multiply that by 12. Comes out to not quite $10 billion per year.
Missouri has laws in place where anyone on the dole is subject to random drug tests, and lose benefits if they test positive. That cut some of the worst offenders off the rolls. I don't know if any other states have anything similar, but it should be mandatory nationwide. I'd also advocate cutting luxury foods off what food stamps will pay for--nothing more than canned food, hamburger meat, beans, and rice. Nothing that's ready made or processed.
I'd also advocate cutting off food stamps to any household not on SSI, disability, and without children.
But then again, I'm a heartless taxpayer that thinks that most adults have the responsibility for their own actions, and need to pay the prices for their own choices. It's only when mental (really low IQ, or other cognitive disability--not "emotional disability") disability, physical disability (other than morbid obesity, which--when not coupled with another illness like MS--is a personal choice in most cases I've ever encountered), or age get in the way of being able to make choices to keep one from starving that I think adults should get "free food" from the taxpayer.
From the "All cultures are equal" files...
That's 240 cups of lemonade, minimum, for the precious little seven year old to break even.
I don't think we need any more evidence that Big Government and Big Brother don't support entrepreneurship. Nor do we need more evidence that they've never been kids themselves, just crawled out from under a rock into office.
I think this is way beyond "self-incrimination."
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Pro-law isn't anti-immigrant, just anti-illegal.
Maybe if more of the country was pro-law, a nun wouldn't have been killed by a drunk-driving illegal alien. Maybe if the nation was more interested in prosecuting crime that affects others than in modern prohibition, said double-criminal wouldn't have been on the road, drunk again, and hit an innocent woman.
There's a reason Missouri passed Proposition C by such an overwhelming majority.
The citizens--not subjects--of this country don't want socialized medicine. We don't want wait times in emergency rooms long enough to prompt us to suture our own wounds (and then get prosecuted for doing so). We don't want women to go through this in a crowded ER waiting room.
We don't want socialized medicine that gives us access to waiting lines and lists, that gives us government-mandated health-service rationing, instead of permitting the open market to give us access to doctors and care. We don't want an entire segment of our economy enslaved to provide the services that the left has created a "right" to.
This is the United States of America, not Great Britain or the European Union. We are citizens, not subjects. You govern by our consent, not by right of birth.
It seems that most of those in Washington, D.C., have forgotten that.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Big Brother is watching us.
Monday, August 2, 2010
"Our own government has become our enemy"
Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu may be referring specifically to the federal government's reaction to and attitudes about illegal immigration, but that's really not as far as it goes. Like King George III of England, the current POTUS (who has delusions of competence) and his cronies have done much, much more than most of us realize in usurping our personal and national God-given freedoms.
Let's start with immigration, shall we?
In refusing to enforce current immigration laws, almost all of which parallel Arizona's laws, the current administration and its lackeys have abdicated responsibility for the welfare of the nation--in its security from attack, in its economic welfare, and in its actual physical health. Illegals in this country commit a disproportionate amount of crime, collect a disproportionate amount of taxpayer funded welfare programs (and by that, I mean no illegal is entitled to any dollar amount spent on them in any form, whether that is through welfare, education, or health care), and are not subjected to the same requirements as legal immigrants with regards to carrying contagious diseases like drug-resistant TB into our country.
This abdication of responsibility led directly to Arizona passing a law with an overwhelming majority that makes federal immigration law and state immigration law the same. By that, I mean Arizona made it a state crime to commit the federal crime of jumping the border without waiting in line.
And, pretty much as soon as Arizona passed the law, Dear Leader and his AG declared that they'd bring a lawsuit against the state that dared uphold national law. Which brings us to
--He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
--He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
Not long afterward, a federal judge in Arizona struck the heart out of the law, disallowing Arizona law enforcement to check the immigration status of those investigated for other crimes. I don't know about you, but I know that if I were to be pulled over for, say, not wearing my seatbelt and the cop finds out that I left my driver's license in my other purse (or pants, like a friend of mine did), I'll be ticketed at the least (my friend, who looked like a drug dealer at the time of the stop, and lived in a rather suspicious looking apartment complex, was arrested) for not having legal ID on me. According to that judge, Mexicans don't have the same burden of proof.
Then again, she's in the direct pay of Dear Leader. If she hadn't ruled like she had (even though she was probably eager to), she might have lost her bench:
--He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.
Let's move from immigration law violations to others. Somehow, somewhere, Dear Leader decided it was his right and duty to nominate and hire "czars" to help him carry out his abuses against the American people. We have a Pay Czar, a Car Czar, a Green Jobs Czar, a Health Czar, and many others, which have no authority under the constitution, any more than Dear Leader had to appoint them:
--He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.
Worst in my opinion is his insistence that, like Canada and Britain, we must socialize a huge portion of our economy, because healthcare is a basic human right.
Mr. President, we are neither Canadians nor Britons, and their socialized medicine plans failed. Miserably:
--He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:
And in with this, we discover that, not only is your plan going to cost more than the federal deficit currently is, it's going to have to have taxes added up front to build up enough funds to make imposing Obamacare/mandatory Medicaid possible.
And that doesn't even count the hidden taxes that is the cap and trade legislation that the lame duck congress will likely force through once the November elections have made the American public's displeasure known:
--For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:We have discussed this at every stage, in every way we can think of. We've posted YouTube videos. We've organized against the socialization of our nation. We've marched on Washington, D.C. itself, totally overshadowing in numbers similar left-wing protests. Has the Federal Government listened? Quite the contrary:
--In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.Unlike what many think, Washington D.C. and the federal government haven't failed. They have accomplished much of what they intended, and are working on the rest. If anything, that is what will lead to a second revolution (or civil war, whichever you'd prefer to call it):
...whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.I hope that it doesn't come by blood and strife, like the first Revolution did, but I'm fast losing that hope as the Federal government keeps refusing to listen to those who placed it where it is.
Pray for our country. Pray hard. We need it.
More ethics violations.
I think it's more likely to be politically than racially motivated. Jesse Jackson, Jr., in particular, makes me wonder if these four have pissed Dear Leader off to the point where he might have had his people quietly pointing the ethics committee in the right direction.
I wonder what dirt Rangel et. al. have on Dear Leader?
Age does matter, sometimes.
Thankfully, when the family tried to get a marriage liscense for their pregnant 13 year old daughter, there was an investigation into who the father was, and the 27 year old man was arrested.
The sick bastard should have been sleeping with a girl closer to his own age, rather than one that could have been his daughter. I understand that, in some countries and cultures, the girl would have been counted an adult. However, this is not one of those countries, and the culture needs to adapt to what this nation's laws require.
"If there's grass on the field, play ball," does not apply when the age difference is so great.
The people of East St. Louis are screwed.
The city, when the firefighters' union and the police officers' union wouldn't accept a 20% pay cut to already abysmal pay, decided last week to simply fire some of those horrible, expensive safety officers.
Take a look at the ratio of fired city workers: out of 37 fired, there were 19 police officers, 11 firefighters, 4 public works employees (gas and water maybe?), and 3 administrators.
That's right: three administrators fired. Thirty-four useful, likely underpaid, city workers fired, but only three likely overpaid administrators.
And in one of the worst crime-ridden areas in the Midwest.
The people who live there have no chance to defend themselves from the violent criminals they live alongside, thanks to the viciously strict gun laws that said criminals refuse to abide by. Those people will have to deal with drug dealers, gangs, and arsonists with fewer cops and firefighters to help them pick up the pieces of their lives.
Maybe the city council needs to be fired, and their salaries folded back into the budget. I bet the city could hire twice the number of essential personnel they just fired.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
I wonder how many iPad owners are also new iPhone owners...
Except for at least one. And honestly, I don't think I'd want to admit to owning an iPad or a new iPhone after that study came out.
Explains why they keep voting Liberal. They, collectively, have the mental health of a depressed lemming (Ken and Ricki and a few others excepted, of course).
Shock! Dismay!
Okay, all sarcasm aside, the current recession is causing people to forgo the Cadillac insurance plans with no deductible, go to urgent care clinics and doc-in-the-box offices for standard checkups (instead of going to the family doctor at twice the rate), and elect not to have the elective procedures they might have gone for in years past.
The health care industry are a little puzzled. And concerned. This is going to force them to lower their prices to attract business back, for a while, at least.
That's the best thing about a demand-driven economy: prices are self correcting. Goods and services only cost what people are willing to pay. And, until Obamacare/mandatory Medicaid comes into effect and turns it into a command-driven sector of the economy, the health care industry is still demand-driven. Doctors and insurers can only charge what people are willing to pay.
Maybe not the final step, but getting close.
I'm sure Dear Leader is watching and taking notes.
"America’s collapse occurred when government ceased to represent the people and became the instrument of a private oligarchy. Decisions were made in behalf of short-term profits for the few at the expense of unmanageable liabilities for the many."I really like John Ringo's vision a lot better. It's a lot more optimistic.
Of course.
I wonder if what he's trying to make vanish is the open knowledge that lobbyists are providing his counsel and paying his legal bills?
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
While I can see it coming back to bite them in the ass, I still think that they're trying to disenfranchise flyover country, rather than themselves. Where is the greatest concentration of population? Blue states. Where is the greatest concentration of Democrat votes? Inner cities and cemeteries.
Massachusetts isn't the only state that's pushed this through, either. So have Illinois (Chicago), New Jersey, Hawaii, Maryland, and Washington. They claim that it wouldn't come into effect unless more states pass similar legislature.
Like what happened when the 17th amendment was passed, the states that have passed this claim they want the people to have a greater say in who is elected President. And like the reality of how senators quit listening to the people once the state legislatures no longer seated and recalled them, this new law is going to do nothing but shaft the people it's supposed to benefit.
An honest, transparent government, indeed.
That'll be a switch.
I just wish we could charge all rap artists with a hate crime for producing the crap they produce--inflicting it on the rest of us should count.
Oh, wow.
This is going to lead to bloodshed. No, I don't think someone's going to go after the judge. I think that people are going to set up shop along the border to hand out a little vigilante justice.
And justice it would be, just as it would be if I shot someone coming in through one of the windows of my home. Or found someone camping peacefully in my living room without my permission.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Not sure why this is news, but at least it's heartwarming.
And yeah, that was in the San Francisco Chronicle.
Sometimes I wonder just how stupid elected officials can be.
Stupid politicians. If it was voter-passed, voter approved, the voters are going to be really pissed off, and there will be a backlash that will unseat said city council.
Ruin things for everyone, why don't you?

Same with any other race. And, in my opinion, any individual that uses sports team branding to designate membership in a criminal organization is a nigger, regardless of race.
I think this is what Arizona intended to happen.
I have nothing against legal immigration. I'd actually like it if the immigration number restrictions were relaxed. I don't want to see any other requirements for immigration (like checking backgrounds, health status, and double-checking that it's Juan Valdez, and not Abdulla Hussein) relaxed, but I don't see any reason to prevent healthy and otherwise law abiding citizens from fleeing their corrupt and oppressive government for a place where they can build a life without it being confiscated because someone else wants it.
Monday, July 26, 2010
I feel old.
A convenience store that really doesn't have anything in its grocery section (candy, jerky, chips and cookies) takes food stamps.
I grew up on food stamps. They didn't used to be accepted by convenience stores that didn't sell bread and milk and such. They didn't count for alcohol.
Now they do.
What the fuck is wrong with this country? It was bad enough when I found out that a local pizza place that sells premade pizzas for people to take home accepts food stamps. It was worse when I found out that college students in larger cities go on food stamps so that they could afford gormet food. The Daily Caller reports that Portland State University states that food stamps aren't charity, but a right.
Oh. That explains it.
When my family was on food stamps, we got a thick envelope stuffed with 295 food dollars worth of food stamps. They worked like cash...but for the looks we got when my mother pulled them out. There used to be a stigma attached, especially to single, healthy adults--even those with children--that simply doesn't exist anymore, thanks to the EBT cards, which (unless someone is looking over the user's shoulder and sees them choose that option on the pin pad) looks identical to a debit card. See? No stigma. Nothing to see, here. Move along.
To tell the truth, I'm not sure the stigma that used to be attached to food stamps would do any good to get people off of the program, anymore. I'm pretty sure that modern Americans, those who apply for such, consider themselves completely entitled to live off of the hard work and paychecks of others.
Take, for example, the WIC program. Every time we go to buy baby food (less and less, as the imp insists on eating the same thing as we eat more and more), we have to edge past people looking through their WIC certificates as they get baby formula and baby food. And usually, there's an X-Box game in the cart.
My other half and I would qualify for WIC. I've been pressured to apply for it. I've even been told that my state offers mothers that nurse a higher dollar allowance with a wider variety of permitted/covered food than it does mothers who just chuck a can of cheap formula (or not so cheap formula) in the cart.
We both refuse. It's not because it wouldn't make things easier--the imp is, after all, still on Prevacid, which runs nearly a month's grocery budget by itself--but because we can cut luxuries from the budget, and still afford everything we need without government assistance.
I remember the shame of using food stamps.