We have been using a laser printer for more than ten years, now--my first one was one Odysseus found in the back of the computer shop he bought and ran while I was finishing my Bachelor's degree. It was huge, heavy, and the toner had been spilled inside of it, streaking the edges of all printouts.
I loved it.
Eventually, it died. Not because the mechanics malfunctioned, but because the software quit being updated for compatibility with newer computers. By this time, I was in grad school, and we were using a box of ten reams of printer paper every semester with my papers and research. Honestly, despite the printer costing three times as much as the least expensive ink jet printer, we more than made the cost back in printing costs within a month.
Our printer, though, is having issues. Not mechanical--it still hums along without jamming often, or complaining. No, the software isn't keeping up with the newer computers. Currently, it's not permitting itself to be shared across the network.
And we found one that has wireless capability, and prints on both sides of the paper. Much better for all of us. Amazon carries it for fifty dollars cheaper than the local office store, and no sales tax or shipping.
If you're looking for a new printer, and color isn't a consideration, I cannot recommend a laser printer enough. Yes, initial cost outlay is higher, and toner is more expensive than ink; however, a toner cartridge will keep printing ten times longer than an inkjet cartridge--at minimum. And, after a while, you'll be able to find generic versions of the toner cartridge that doesn't cost much more than a name brand ink cartridge.
(Since the link didn't work, I linked the one we ordered below.)
22 minutes ago
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