We went to my mother's for a visit, today. The kids were delighted to see Granny and Auntie and Great Auntie.
Too excited to be willing to nap. Both of them.
However, about three this afternoon, the pixie started getting falling-down tired, and both kids were so cranky that they were impossible to tolerate. So, Odysseus and I mentioned going home.
Pixie starts chanting, "I go home, now! Bye bye, Granny! Bye bye, e'body! I go home, now."
Imp immediately scrambled for his jacket and shoes, screeching. "I go home, too!"
Apparently, it was the right idea at the exact right time.
The pixie slept most of the way. The imp dozed a bit, but it's hard for a little boy to go to sleep in a booster seat.
24 minutes ago
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