Thursday, January 24, 2013

I could be bounded in a nutshell...

I slept long enough, last night.  Technically.  I kept waking up with nightmare after bad dream after restless dream. 

And the neighbors woke the imp up again.  It wasn't quite seven this morning when he wandered out of his room.  "Mama...I want sausage.  I need go pee-pee.  Noise woke me up."

*If you don't recognize the quote...shame on you.  Look it up for your own edification.


  1. No kids waking me up, but I had terrible oppressive dreams last night and kept waking up shaking. I HATE that.

    1. I sympathize. I hate it, too. I wonder if it's something in the weather...

    2. Could be, though it's more likely I have a rejected journal manuscript hanging over my head that I really need to rewrite.

    3. Grading, revising my textbooks for classroom use, and sending a manuscript off to a traditional publisher, here. You may be right.


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