So, federal law is requiring universities to post educational objectives throughout the course. As in: for each week, there is a button on the side of the course site containing all of the stuff for that week--objectives written in the proper education department jargon, readings, and writings.
The Course Overview contains all of the same stuff. Eight pages of educational objectives, reading assignments, and writing assignments--all with no due dates.
I emailed my department head and asked if, for the sake of my students, I could post the objectives (federally required for online courses, now*) and the actual course schedule in separate documents. He said I can, so that's what I'm doing. I'm also correcting a dozen typos per page, and adding in due dates.
I'm also trying to find the university's ADA statement to add to the course. Because, currently, it's not there. It's nowhere on the site, and it's not in the syllabus. Potential lawsuit, there, and I'd be the one blamed, despite not having designed the course.
Yeah, I'm done teaching online. This is going to be my last semester.
*I suppose this is to ensure that for-profit online universities can't comply (they assume), so that traditional universities don't have to compete, thereby protecting their privilege.
1 minute ago
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