Nothing's funnier than watching the imp run around the living room with a tiny black puppy on his heels.
The pixie is still kind of scared of the puppy--she's not used to creatures that chase her back, jump up on her, and lick her.
For the most part, the kids have been pretty well behaved, this week. There've only been a few bickering fights, but the pixie has been cranky and whiney. I think she's been having teething issues bleeding into earaches.
The pup has worn herself out, playing for about an hour after her seven o'clock walk, mostly chasing the imp. She's curled up in the little corner between the end of the couch and the angled diaper box full of printer paper that blocks off the computer and cords.
I haven't gotten any writing done for the past few days. Between fighting random wireless card failures, dealing with cranky kids, working with housetraining a new puppy, and grading awful papers, I haven't had the time, energy, or headspace to be able to write.
I've managed to get three papers graded. Seventeen to go. And then another thirteen to seventeen from my Freshman Comp I class coming in on Monday.
Yeah...I don't think I'm going to be able to get my blogs graded until next Friday or so. Just in time to get the next bunch of blogs coming due.
I know, I know...this is what I signed up for. But like I said earlier: I teach for free. They pay me to grade. I love the teaching, the sharing of knowledge, but I hate, hate, hate the grading.
5 minutes ago
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