Monday, July 16, 2012

Too early. Again.

The pixie woke me at about twenty after six, this morning.  I got up, got her fed, then got her back down at about twenty 'till seven, to find an imp waiting for me to open the gate between the hall and living room. 

Only, I didn't know it was twenty 'till seven until I got the TV turned on for him--didn't think to look at a clock.  If I'd realized it was before seven, I'd've sent him back to bed. 

I shouldn't get to bed quite so late tonight--I don't have nearly so much to do after the kids get their dinner and get to bed.  Last night, I had to strip the meat off the bones of a roast chicken and get that put away.  While fending off two fuzzballs trying to climb my legs to get at the yummy stuff.

So, I'm finishing off my coffee, while the imp watches his normal PBS cartoons.  And wishing he'd slept for another hour or so.


  1. I hear you, I finally passed out round 3am to be awake at 7. Long day today too. Oh well. Stay Cool.

    1. You, too, Rob. I've been resorting to a sleep aid when I can't get my brain settled enough to go to sleep at a reasonable time. Unfortunately, that doesn't do me a lot of good when I don't get done with what I have to do before midnight--like what happened Saturday night.


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