It's a loaded word, anymore. Just as "rights" can be. There are so many emotional meanings tacked onto the literal one that people have started having gut reactions to simple statements.
And sometimes, they're right to. Sometimes "equality" and "rights" mean "I'm better than you because of x" and "If you tell me no, it's because you're racist."
Like this guy. He claims that white people have never been anything but racist. However, his language choices are suspect: he claims that white people have never favored "rights" for blacks. Not equal, just "rights."
I have never opposed truly equal rights to those different from me--everyone has an equal opportunity to work their ass off and become successful. I do, however, oppose lowering my standards to permit them to have chances that they don't deserve. Especially when those standards include standards of civilized behavior.
I do oppose the idea that someone else has the right to take money I've earned, or take my belongings. I've worked damn hard to actually earn both. I do oppose the idea that someone else has the right to tell me how to raise my kids. Looking around, it's pretty obvious that I do a far better job of training my children to behave than the busybodies do. I do oppose the idea that someone else has more right to my home, my car, my job, or my standard of living than I do. We achieve that standard of living on far less than the welfare dependents spend on their shoes and cell phones.
I believe in equal rights, not equal results. What Bob Herbert is talking about is not the first. He's talking about making allowances because of the color of the skin of the people involved.
Believing that black people need special treatment and special expectations just because they're black? That's just racist.
56 minutes ago
'Equal rights' is a code word many times for 'extra rights' I have never seen a job application for whites only but I have seen ones for 'black applicants only' (fire and police jobs)
ReplyDeleteIt is kind of funny this guy thinks whites voting for McCain is racist but blacks voting for 0bama is not. I learned a long time ago that some people are not very bright and not to waste time trying to figure them out.
Pretty much...
DeleteAnother word (like "fair") that goes on the Humpty Dumpty pile (as in: "Words mean what I want them to mean" and the meanings get so twisted that many people don't even want to use them any more.
ReplyDeleteThey used to do a Blue Jeans Day on my alma mater's campus - wear blue jeans if you "supported gay rights." Well, they needed to clarify. I supported letting gay people live unharrassed and unmolested. I supported them not being fired from jobs or not-hired for jobs they were qualified for. However, I didn't support "special" rights, over and above what everyone else got, and that was what some of the organizers seemed to be going for.
I HATED that.
If I were a different person I probably would have gone naked that day in protest. Because the idea was you COULDN'T opt out, the way the organizers saw it: either you supported the same "rights" as they did, or you were a hater. And you weren't permitted, in their minds, to keep your beliefs personal and private, which is what I wished to do.
(I will admit some years I wore a denim skirt, and figured that anyone who asked me would get an explanation of my position.)
On those Blue Jeans Day things, I always wore always seemed to me like they already had equal rights, and were just agitating for more.
DeleteTo me it seems that blacks toss out the race card way more times then any group. They all seem to walk with a chip on their shoulders, and want special treatment.
ReplyDeleteThey do. I wish you could have been a fly on the wall every time one of my students accused me of being racist because they earned a failing grade on their first draft. My response was always "I hold you to the same standards I hold everybody. Those who haven't done the same are the racists." Wish you could have seen the lights come on...
DeleteIf I accomplish nothing else as a teacher, I at least accomplished that much for about a half dozen of my students. They always wound up getting tutoring and reaching for their potential after that, instead of sitting on their asses crying about racist professors.
Blacks are not racists for voting for Obama ((90% did) they are just plain stupid!
ReplyDelete96% of 12% isn't enough to get him into office. And yes, they were racist--they voted for him because he was black.