It's not enough that the city of Pittsburgh, PA, has an unfair share of MRI machines (more than all of Canada), nor yet that there are imaging centers dotted here and there around the country, where you can shop around to find the best service. No, those must be properly and fairly distributed so that all of the people have a fair share, and the competent techs must learn to work for a slave's wage, because it's our right that they must serve us.
And it's only fair that things like this happen to all. We can't have some babies saved and others lost through uneven quality of care, can we? We can't have some doctors and imagery techs be competent enough to see when a miscarriage doesn't kill the baby when others miss seeing the heartbeat because it's hidden behind a blood clot. We can't have some paid well enough to make those who do the least amount of work they can get away with look bad. We must have shitty care for all.
5 hours ago
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