Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Good thing this guy's going to prison.

If someone is this much of an idiot, it can't be anything but good when they're pulled out of the gene pool before they can add to it.  Maybe the next time he pulls something this dumb, someone will add a little chlorination, rather than just skimming the trash out.


  1. Oh no way. They made that up, right? Right? No?

    What in the world are we eating or breathing that's making people dumber every day?

    1. Sadly, I think it's the system of parents abnegating their responsibilities to teach their children that stupid hurts.

  2. Cafe 45, I think it is that nowadays people who do really idiotic things get rescued and patted on the hand and told "Oh, that's OK. You didn't KNOW not to do that" instead of actually facing the (sometimes fatal) consequences of their actions.

    1. ''N I G G E R'', self styled......

    2. Ricki--right...stupid should hurt, and it's parents' responsibility to teach that. Most won't.

      OCM--yep. He certainly earned the title, didn't he?


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