Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Sometimes I really question our government.

Because with friends like this, who needs enemies? 


  1. It almost seems like they are doing it on purpose../sarc

    BTW.. half way through "The Last Pendragon". I like it so far :)

    Good job

    1. I'm glad, Pissed. It was fun to write. The second part of the two book installment should be ready to publish by next April or May.

  2. Sometimes????

    For me it is most of the time.

    I personally do not think this "adminstration" is at all
    "friendly" to Israel since the Golfer in Chief has his nose so far up the Muslim's ass.


    1. I think you're right.

      "Sometimes" is kind of optimistic, isn't it?

    2. ISRAEL is one of the most dangerous countries in the world.

    3. Sure. Uh-huh. Thanks to Britain's "divide and conquer" policies of colony governance, the Jews resettling in Palestine were made out as boogey-men, instead of peaceful neighbors. They've never been the ones that attacked first. They have to be dangerous to continue existing. It may be one of the most dangerous countries in the world, but it's also one of the least aggressive.


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