Monday, April 2, 2018

Back to the grindstone.

I took last week off.  Partially by choice, partially not. 

I finished a first draft a week early, then wound up with a migraine.  I woke up Friday with the headache I'd had since Tuesday gone, but with the children out of school for Good Friday.  I still managed to get started on draft revision.  I hope to be done with the first revision by Friday, so I can get the second draft out to any beta readers that want to read it.  I've got two victims volunteers, so far. 

I think after this one, I'll be getting back into the Modern Gods universe.  Because they're pestering me the loudest at this point. 


  1. What type of books do you write? As I reader I may be interested in being a beta reader also.

    1. Hi, Tim. I write mostly Urban Fantasy (at most, light romance, little to no explicit stuff). The book over on the right, Normalcy Bias, is one of mine. Go have a look at it, and at the other stuff you can get to by clicking on my name (takes you to my author page).


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