Wednesday, January 7, 2015

I would so much rather have a stomach bug.

This respiratory crud is kicking my ass.  I rattle when I breathe, and can't go for long without a coughing fit, most of nothing. 

At this point, I've called the doc's office and set up an appointment.  And I'm hoping it's a bacterial infection, rather than a virus that's just going to have to run its course, and could take up to another week.

I don't have another week.  Classes start Monday, and I can't get into my class site to set it up.


  1. Not me. I'm currently suffering from a respiratory thing that I caught while I had a stomach bug. I can function at least minimally now. When my stomach was misbehaving, I alternated between being curled up in a miserable ball, puking, and shitting. Both suck, but for me, stomach is worse. In any case, get over it soon.

    1. I just keep getting worse with this shit. I can't do anything, and I get to coughing so hard I can't breathe. And it's lasted like this, just getting a little worse, since Sunday. The stomach thing is short-lived, for me--two days, at most. I'd already be back on my feet.

  2. At least the ab workout is nice eh? I kid. I'm sorry you're stranded down in funky town. I had the same crap last year about a week after I got over the flu and it was god-awful. I consider myself a bit of a pain junky because I enjoy it, but I swear I hacked for 3-4 weeks with that respiratory infection. Thanks a lot Fort Dietrich! I hope you get back on your feet and get well soon!

    1. Thanks for the well wishes. I'd agree that the ab workout is nice...but I'd be lyin'. ;)


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