The United States Constitution clearly states that one of the main responsibilities of the United States federal government is maintaining the physical safety of the people. While it's a stretch to read that as the responsibility to impose a sin tax on things that aren't good for us (like cigarettes), it is not a stretch to read that as meaning that the United States federal government has a responsibility to meet and respond to military threats.
However, the federal government is falling down on that job. Seriously falling down on that job.
North Korea is preparing to launch a "satellite." In reality, the world is aware that that launch is a mask for a test of ICBM technology. That "satellite" could reach Hawaii. And our government is doing nothing about it.
Japan is threatening to shoot down the missile--er, satellite. I hope they do it, even though I hate--hate--that we're being forced to depend upon another government to keep us safe.
58 minutes ago
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