Sunday, February 5, 2023

Ugh, what hit me?

I spent a lot of last week in a fog.  It was a little better yesterday and today, but I could not get my brain to function on more than a minimal level while I was up and trying to do housework from about Wednesday through yesterday.  It was deeply unpleasant, as you can probably guess...

All I did was make two cups of coffee in the Keurig Wednesday morning.  Not even something I hadn't done before, but that was  Knocked me on my ass for the rest of the week.  

During that time, I did manage to get some things done, including a couple of blog posts that...honestly, were better than my brain could manage without help.  I'm pretty sure Someone took my brain fog and used it to transmit something that He wanted said.  

It's a good reminder that everything I have and am comes from Him, and that the gifts I have are from Him.  And that they need to be used.  

It was pretty clear, after all, in the parable of the talents: use what you've been given to better your life, don't just bury it.  

Now, I just have to figure out how to use what I've been given for the sake of my family a little better.  That's gonna take more than a little bit of thought: I am going to need to do some cataloguing of my abilities and looking for marketability. 


  1. Amen to that. Glad you're feeling better!

    1. Thanks. I'm still trying to figure out *why* just making a second cup of coffee tipped me into an autoimmune attack...


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