This nation is under attack. Harsh, unrelenting attack.
Actually, that's wrong. It's not the nation. It's the culture. And it's the assumptions and values that underlie the culture.
It's not new. It's been under fairly constant attack from the very beginning. It's gotten more blatant, and the attacks are really, really obvious, now. Unfortunately, I think most people are misidentifying the assailant.
No, it's not the left, not Marxists, not feminists, not any of the other -ists, villainous though they may be in and of themselves. They're just the tool. The weapon.
The antagonist we're looking at is...
Well. Better to illustrate.
Thousands of years ago, there was a tiny group that heard a still, small voice. That voice led them away from a land where raping and sacrificing children and animals to bestial, evil ideals in the hopes that they'd leave humanity alone was the norm. Sound familiar, yet? No?
The god of money demanded the sacrifice of infants; today, he calls for the sacrifice of the unborn.
The god of fertility demanded unrestrained sexuality; today, he calls for the same, and insists that it's "normal."
Judaism was founded on a rejection of those ideals; Christianity built on that rejection, and on the culture He shaped with His rejection. We, the United States of America, are a Christian nation.
God Himself is a rejection of those ideals, and He calls for us to reject them. To follow a better, healthier, more stable way. We do not murder children. We do not rape children. We do not look at the things our neighbor has, get angry that he has them and we don't, and destroy his things; we work for our own. We don't lie about each other to ruin each other's lives. We don't murder each other for fun and profit (but we defend ourselves from those who do).
The Bible is a guide, yes, but it's also an illustration of a deliberate, ongoing shaping of culture, and an illustration of what happens when people turn away from His ideals.
The shape of the attack on the United States today is the same shape as the attacks humanity has undergone from day one, in the Garden. Nihilism writ large. It is lies, it is envy, it is destructive of all that is good and healthy.
It is angry that we have that which it does not: a soul, and the freedom to choose, gifted to us by God. With those things, we have creativity, we have the capacity for growth unparalleled in nature.
And that which attacks us, attacks our culture...does not.
And that which it cannot claim, cannot possess, it will attempt to destroy.
Marxism imitates it, but is only a very, very pale shadow. It's a handy tool, though, because it's not obviously the same as every other attack. And it's had more success as a tool, a lever, a pry bar, in the last hundred years than anything else.
But Marxism is only the tool. It's not the antagonist.
We the people, the nation, the culture need to recognize the antagonist. And we need to reject it, its so-called culture, its "normal," and its ideology.
Refuse to participate in what it wants.
Turn your back on it, and turn to He who wants what's best for us all.
Well said and concur!!!