Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Still here...

I take the radioactive marker iodine pill tomorrow morning.  Thursday, they do the scan that shows how well my thyroid takes in and uses iodine.

I am so ready for this to be done.


  1. My wife doesn't have a thyroid. She had it killed in 2001 because it was way hyperactive.

    1. My dad had to have his removed in the mid '90s because of benign tumors (if I recall correctly). Many of his family have hyperthyroid or hypothyroid issues--the running theme is thyroid problems. Mine's so hypoactive it's not even funny. Tested low even while on meds to get it toward the normal range.

      I'd rather have done with the whole mess, honestly.

  2. After reading your blog for a long time, I suspected something nefarious about your system was leading to the health problems you experienced.

    Thyroid maintenance can lead to almost exuberance, when it is under control.

    I'll keep my fingers crossed your problems end forever.

    1. My thyroid has been a problem since I got pregnant the first time, I think. I'd been on a thyroid replacement at what I think was too low of a dose to manage my symptoms for several years, but it decided to act the ass last year and stop working even that well.

      I'm crossing my fingers, too.


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