Sunday, January 9, 2022

Checking in...

I checked one of my goals complete, this morning.  I got Odysseus's microfiber work slacks fixed.  And reinforced the inseam up near the part where the seam gave way in the first place.  

I know exactly how Clarkson felt:

I'm still working on most of the rest.  There are improvements, though.  Starting with rearranging the entry hall a little.  I think it works better, and my sewing machine lid doesn't impinge on the hallway back to the bedrooms, now.  I have room for fabric-and-scraps storage, and have rigged up a small waste container for snipped threads and too-small-for-use patches.  

I have a plan for the living room, now.  Chairs will move back a little, end table between them will rotate 90 degrees to put the narrow side between them (baskets underneath will, of course, also have to move a bit), coffee table will move about six inches west and about the same toward the chairs, loveseat will move about six inches west and about the same toward the chairs.  Give the kids room to use their homework desk.  The layout (we'd rotated everything 90 degrees a few months ago) almost worked, but needed to be lived in before we could see where it needed tweaked.  

I'm working on getting back into the writing habit.  I'm trying a few different things, starting with scheduling it and setting a timer.  

I did have a character waltz into and decide it was her turn to get her story told.  I've had her concept in mind for a while, but it finally clicked.  I started work on it in November, and got almost 18K words down before prep for Christmas and Christmas Break kicked in.  

The kids are back in school, now, and I don't have to split my focus between supervising them and writing.  So, tomorrow, I'll be back to work.  Probably split time between final edit of Pint, and working on CPA. 


  1. Good for you! :-) I am scrambling to put my taxes together, and on a road trip doing some research for the next western now.

    1. We're waiting on forms to be sent before we do taxes.

      I've got the house (mostly) back into shape. I need to do a little more, but not a lot.


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