Wednesday, December 16, 2020


 We got about half an inch of snow, overnight.  Nothing on the roads, but the driveway has a decent covering.  Between the snow in my tire treads and the patch of ice in the middle of the road, right where I go turning left out of the driveway, I am wide awake.  

First sideways skid.  Ever.  Thank God for the Subaru's AWD.  

Nobody was hit, nobody was hurt, nobody shat themselves (though, given the imp's reaction, that might have been a near thing), and I kept it out of the ditch.  

But I really need more coffee, now.  I have the shakes like nobody's business, and a nasty reaction headache. 


  1. Y'all are safe. THAT is what counts!

    1. First thought through my head was a prayer for help. And yeah, we are safe. I managed to wait until I got home for the panic attack.

    2. That's because the Momma Bear came out. :-)

    3. And God helped, and guided the choice of vehicle when we bought it going on seven years ago.

  2. Glad y'all are OK. Nothing like an adrenaline dump first thing in the morning. Also, good on ya for holding it together until you got home.

    1. I have practice holding off incipient panic attacks. It sucks, but it's something I've been prone to my whole life.


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