China. China is the fucking villain of the piece. Set aside the conspiracy theories that they manufactured the virus (really? Really?? It's a terrible weapon--not even that good at thinning the elderly from the population). They are still the villain. First, they lied, lied again, executed doctors that wanted to spread the word, and lied some more. Then they panicked. Which...well. Humans have about as much sense as horses: they stampede really easily if something spooks one or two of them. No overreaction means no panic. Third, trying to blame the mess on us? Pooh bear, you started it.
This ignores the whole theory put forth that most plagues start there, just...unacknowledged. I read, several years ago, that the Black Death and a few other nasty, Middle Age plagues, started on the far Eastern end of trade routes.
Overreactions here: we are murdering our nation's productivity and the livelihood of our middle class. There are some states that are now saying that all non-essential (and THEY determine that) businesses must totally shut down, and for an as-yet-to-be-determined length of time. Banning restaurants from serving meals in their dining rooms. Banning bars. Banning any gathering of 10 or more people (Missouri has joined that bandwagon as of today). Fiddling with elections.
Want to hear what's been cited as a bigger danger, but isn't banned? Public transit systems. Government offices. Court houses. Welfare offices.
You know. The darlings of the ones pushing communism.
A funny thought hit me, today. We tried to get our family grocery shopping done. Went to Sam's Club--that was a huge NOPE. There was a line stretching from the door, around the corner of the store, down the side past the automotive department, and across the back of the side parking lot. In the rain. In sub-40 degree weather. At 9 in the morning.
Normally, when I hit Sam's Club at 9:00, I have the store practically to myself. Usually, they're not open to their general membership until 10:00--I pay the premium membership to get in early and shop in less-crowded conditions.
For the time being, Sam's Club has suspended the Advantage membership hours. They open at 9:00 for everybody. I mean, getting the store clean is one of their concerns. Restocked is another. But. They handled this wrong.
So far as I can see, the "reduced store hours," while touted as a way to get the stores cleaned and shelves restocked before the locusts, looters, and panic-buyers descend again, is doing nothing other than propagating and compounding the panic-buying.
Sam's Club is OUT of Cascade. Not the neat little packets, the basic gel. Walmart had NO spray bottles of any type.
This is really fucking pissing me off. Yes, I'm worried about MY mom, and MY sister, and MY mother-in-law. No, I don't want to see this mutate into something worse.*
However, it isn't Covid-19 I'm scared of.
I'm scared of the power granted to the malevolence of the state by mush-minded, panicking lemmings.
But I insult lemmings. Real lemmings are nowhere near this stupid.
*Viruses typically DON'T mutate into worse; they don't want to kill the host--that kills the virus before it can spread.
15 hours ago
Common sense in all things... sigh... THAT is sadly lacking right now. And the MSM is loving the fact that THEY have panicked the entire US... Grrr...
ReplyDeleteYou pretty much nailed it. They think this will bring about nationalization of businesses to "save" them, and "communist utopia."
DeleteFuck them all with a rusty chainsaw.