Or, at least, it's supposed to.
I'm beginning to wonder.
Recently, a favorite author who's a hell of a character with the type of sick sense of humor that tends to set me giggling, got banned from a social media platform for a month.
For posting song lyrics.
Someone reported it as offensive.
Granted, as the author admits, it was a particularly vile band. Yeah, their stuff is offensive, nasty, and inappropriate. But not ban-worthy, especially since the platform prohibits children under a certain age from setting up accounts. Nor is quoting their stuff ban worthy.
Hell, I see LOTS of stuff on social media and regular media that offends me: my state pushing to open more abortion clinics in urban areas where minorities congregate; memes and posts denigrating men in general, and white men in specific; memes and posts advocating slavery (forcing individuals to provide service in private industry); ignorance, and a general lack of understanding (or even a wish to understand) the workings of the gods of the copybook headings.
I have not reported any of these things offensive.
(I have posted as offensive spam ads masquerading as social media posts, specifically when they're political, and as far from factually correct as it's possible to be.)
I do not report things posted by individuals as offensive, no matter how offensive I find them. To be honest, I'd rather know who the idiots are so I can avoid them in real life. Or at least avoid the topics, if the idiots have made their way into my circle of friends. It is each individual's right to hold whatever political opinions they hold, just as it is my right to disregard the utter dreck they claim as "facts" to support their opinions.
If I'm truly offended by someone, I simply quietly unfollow them. As I did to a couple of bands I really enjoyed who got too evangelically political.* I scroll past the offensive posts. I ignore stuff.
I'm a grown up, and I know that offensive material does not cause actual harm to me--I've got thicker skin than most. And I'm not the morality police. It's above my pay grade to say something is good, and right--or bad and wrong. Nor do I have the right to silence dissenting opinions, no matter how stupid they are.
*True believers who try to save people who don't believe from the sin of unbelief, and count those who disagree because circular arguments aren't evidence, and because the plural of "anecdote" is not "data," as evil.
22 minutes ago
Agree with all, I may not like something, but 'I' don't have to look at it or read it...
ReplyDeleteAnd that's how adults deal with stuff they find offensive.