The kids continue to be massive little assholes. Granted, I'm still working on getting a good routine built for them, but it's difficult with trying to do the things I have to do while trying to ride herd on them. I've taken to chasing them outside and telling them to not tattle to me, and to resolve things themselves. Most of the time, this resolves by one of them coming in and taking their Kindle Fire to their room, and shutting the door. Most of the time, that's the pixie.
The imp has transitioned from riding a bicycle with training wheels to riding without, and then transitioned into a bigger bike that fits him better, and that goes through mowed grass easier than the little bike he had. And he now has a bell on it, which pleases him immensely.
The pixie has learned to ride her bike with the training wheels on the room-sized patio just out the back door, with Merry-dog running alongside. She's starting to want to transition to a bike without training wheels because she can't ride her bike anywhere off the patio.
Both kids are spending something like 3/4 of their time outside. Drawing with sidewalk chalk, playing on the patio, running all over the mowed part of the yard and pasture, riding bike (imp) up and down and around the driveway...
And they've made a friend. There's a little boy--our neighbors to the east have a grandson who's over a lot--who's a LOT like the imp in interests and personality quirks (including ADHD, which is medicated, while imp is off his meds for the summer). He's over on the weekends a lot, but not a lot during the week days (he's in summer school). And when they're off playing, I have to CALL them in to eat, because they won't come in when they're hungry.
The dog needs bathed and shorn. She needs the Marine Boot Camp cut. She REFUSES to be an inside dog, especially since she's got that wonderful room outside with a ceiling, cement floor, a ceiling fan, and no walls. And it's forecast to be a hot one, this summer. But she hates--HATES--baths and grooming. I did get her bangs trimmed, and a couple of matted bits cut off of her back fur, but she stayed out of reach after I got those few things done.
You'd think she'd appreciate the whole "I can see, now," thing, but no.
Cricket has taken to lounging on the end of the table in the library/living room. She loves that spot. Especially when the pixie leaves the desk lamp on, and kitty has a warm spotlight for her fuzzy self.
Shadow has delighted in the fact that the kids have a hard time getting their bedroom doors to fully latch. She shoves the door of her choice open, goes in, and sleeps on the child of her choice.
Often, this results in the comical view of a 40 lb 6 year old pixie carrying a 13 lb cat out by her middle because she doesn't want the kitty sleeping on her, but Shadow is not deterred. She just goes and either shoves the imp's door open (which she prefers, normally, because of his 4' high loft bed) if she can, and cries outside it until he opens it if she can't get it herself.
We are pulling books out of storage. We're limited on how many we can bring out, because we just don't have the shelf space. Yet. Odysseus is going to be building bookcases after we get everything out of the old place, and get repairs going on it. We've got almost everything, but still have a bit more to go.
As for the new place, I love the house. I love the house, the patio, the yard, love the space, the quiet, and the fact that we have six full acres to ourselves, and have so very much to explore. I love that I can shoo the kids out without worrying about the pedophile a block up from the old house anymore, or the nasty white trash kids that moved next door to the old place teaching my kids language and attitudes that would get them in trouble at their Christian school. I don't care for the ticks, but that can be dealt with a lot easier than the problems at the old place.
Yes, the house has issues. It was built in '70, so it's an older house. The chimney on the fireplace needs work (the liner's rusted, and the dampers are rusted shut), the plumbing drainage needed fully replaced (done), and we've got some roof leaks (flashing around one of the turban vents, and a hole that was plugged with expanding foam both leak during monsoon downpours)...and the garbage disposal has decided to leak through the bottom as of the other day. The garage doors need replaced (so do the tracks on one), and I need a strap fastened to them so I can reach them to close them when they're up. Most of this, though, is livable while we wait until the other place sells.
I am feeling immensely better. The inflammation has not resolved, so I've still got issues with joint discomfort, but a whole lot of other symptoms have eased or disappeared. The difference is that the endocrinologist that my primary care doc referred me to put me on a different formulation of thyroid meds. I'd been on the generic for seven years.* And I'm now on a name brand specially formulated to be hypoallergenic. There are four ingredients to it. And after a couple of weeks on it, my brain fog cleared. A lot. Not totally, and if I overdo it even a little, I get nasty brain fog regardless of any other symptoms (but they do tend to come back in full force if I do overdo it). I have a bit higher energy level as a starting point (it's still not back to normal, and likely won't be for a while, yet), but still wear down quickly without being able to build back up without a full night's sleep, and less activity for a few days. I need 8 full hrs of sleep per night to function instead of 10 hrs. (I do still need around a half a pot of coffee, regardless.)
All this means I'm keeping up with housework a bit easier, with a little more mental energy left at the end of the day.
Unfortunately, my laptop seems to be having issues, now. I'm starting to lean toward a different brand, because this is the second Acer in two years developing hardware issues early. It needs a new keyboard (half the time, it won't register that I've pressed a key, which makes writing an adventure in misspellings and typos), a new wireless card, and needs the power jack re-soldered, none of which I can do because of the laptop's design. I'm eyeballing a few different machines.
Odysseus is also looking at new laptops. He's looking at bigger ones, since he's not hauling it back and forth to college anymore.
Me? All I want is a full size keyboard that works reliably.
In the meantime, I'm getting a LOT of use out of what Odysseus got me for my birthday: a TWSBI piston-fill fountain pen that holds about three weeks' worth of my writing output in ink.
Anyone know if there's some type of adapter that will let me plug a very old ergonomic keyboard into a new laptop that only has USB ports?
*And apparently, people with a wheat allergy can react badly to the inactive ingredients in the generic levothyroxine, because some manufacturers use wheat starch to as a binder, and others use something else that people with wheat allergies react to.
8 minutes ago
Glad y'all are settling into the new place so well. Yeah, old houses need work, but other than the roof, it doesn't sound like anything that major. I'm really stoked that you're feeling better. It always seems to be something minor, like trying a different formulation or just a slightly different medication that does it.
ReplyDeleteThe meds made a bigger difference than I thought they would. Seriously, what kind of idiots thought it would be a good idea to use things people are allergic to/can't have (what happens when someone with Celiacs goes hypothyroid?) as inactive ingredients in medications?
DeleteHouse is MOSTLY in good shape. We've got a few more things to fix after we do maintenance repairs on the old one and sell it. Chimney, carport, one small foundation repair quoted at around a grand, leaking ventilation flashing, and busted roof joist (runs the length of the house on the south side). House itself is brick, and more solid than the old house was. The kids haven't been homesick for the old place (think they were feeling as cramped as we were), and the pets seem to really like this place a lot better, too.
Sounds like a fairly normal existence for a working mom and wife. I'm glad the new place is going along ok, there for awhile it sounded pretty rocky.
ReplyDeleteYour cats wouldn't like it here. Something is killing and carrying off my barn cats. I've lost two in a week. Screams in the middle of the night, dogs rushing off the porch in a rage, my trip wires torn down, and next morning a cat is missing. I am going to have to start locking them up in the barn at night, but some are semi-feral so I won't get them all in. Last time this happened, I put a full magazine of 7.62X39 into the woods out of sheer frustration. Getting some trail cameras to put where the trip wires are being torn down, I'd at least like to know what the hell I'm dealing with. Coyotes or bobcats is my guess, but it could be cougar or a hog.
We're down to minor repairs and things that can wait at the new place, so yeah, things are working out better than I'd hoped.
DeleteMy cats...won't go near an open door to the outside of the house. They crouch and cower. They're inside only kitties, and have been since we adopted them at 9 and 10 weeks old (Cricket's a week older than Shadow).
Can you spot any tracks? If it's something tearing down trip wires, I'd bet on feral hog. Typically, a cat won't disturb those, even big cats--they've got better senses than people do. Not so sure about coyotes or feral dogs. The coyotes in the area where I grew up didn't bother trips, but I've heard that they can and do in other areas.
Glad to hear there are some positives coming out of the move!
ReplyDelete400 more sq. ft. in the house means I'm not next to the TV when the kids are watching children's programming, and I get my library back (once we get the bookcases built). BIG positives. And that's just out of the move.