Apparently, Cleveland's cops do far less. According to some of the news reports I've read, some of the things I've heard, they ignored several calls on that house of horrors where three girls kidnapped in their early teens were held for ten years--until a real hero heard them screaming for help, broke in, and got them out.
Now, the media has dug up that Charles Ramsey has been in prison for beating his wife.
I know they're just trying to make the cops look better. But, if you think about it, this new info about Mr. Ramsey (who also refused his reward, telling officials that he had a job, and the girls needed the money worse than he did) simply makes the cops look worse.
I mean, really: on the one hand, you have those who swore to uphold the law, to investigate when it seems that a crime has been committed. On the other, you have a man who's beaten his wife badly enough to go to prison for it.
On the surface, who would you expect to be the good guys, here? The hero? The one that actually rescued the girls from being sex slaves?
It wasn't the cops. No, the cops wrote off every other call as too ridiculous to investigate--or perhaps, some kinky game between consenting adults (and there are such out there), and none of their business.
So, the man with a history of violence against women did far more than the police ever did.
Bravo, CPD. Bravo.
And bravo to the media for trying to bring the police up by taking the real hero down.
4 hours ago
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