Sunday, August 26, 2012

My imp likes ramen.

I just had a snack of a cup of instant shrimp ramen.  The imp came charging up, begging, "Eat noodles, peas, shimp?  Eat Mama's food?"

Then, he proceeded to eat all of the shrimp, all of the peas, several carrot chips, and about half the noodles.

I can think of another little blond, blue-eyed troublemaker that loves ramen from anime...we're going to have to try to find the right costume for Daddy to take the imp trick-or-treating this year, dressed like this.


  1. He will do well in college, and after, if prices don't equalize.

    1. Two dozen cups are right around seven bucks at Sam's Club. I'm considering stocking up as emergency food--pour in boiling water and wait, and bam! You have soup.


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