Friday, August 31, 2012

FFOT: miscellaneous

A little too tired this morning for a proper rant.  This is what's been bothering me this past week.

  • I'd like to find whoever/whatever tied the muscles in my back just below my shoulders into a tight, painful knot...and return the favor.  With interest.  
  • Odysseus has been scheduled to work 'til midnight two days in a row (last night and tonight), then 'til eleven.  I'd say his manager could fuck off, but she already did--she either was fired, or quit to avoid being fired.  
  • Students whining "I don't understand!!!  Tell me exactly what to do!!!"  Especially when it's "What do you want us to link for the persuasive posts?"  Sorry--I won't do your thinking (or your work) for you.  And if this is what you're going to be like all semester, you're not going to do well.  Fuck off now, and it won't hurt your GPA.
  • Politicians making light of things they can't possibly understand (I'm looking at you, Todd Akin, and you, Tom Smith) can fuck right off. 
There are other things, but I'm too sleep deprived (as well as coffee deprived, at the moment) to think of them.  As always, rant away in the comments.  That's what these are here for.


  1. A particular person who comes to me and whines about stuff that all the rest of us are having to deal with - because his life is, like, SO HARD - can FTFO.

    Just STFU, let me get back to work. I would suggest getting down to work yourself, dude. Your life would suck less if you didn't hit up every person you see to give them a discourse on how miserable you are right now.


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