So, apparently, the tragedy yesterday has a whole lot of fingers to point.
The little girl in the trailer park on the south side of the road was running late. The bus had already picked up from that stop (allegedly), but she missed it, and was trying to catch the bus at the turn-around.
And a big rig, likely doing fifty or better through here, hit her. It was 6:55 a.m. The sun was starting to come up, it wasn't dark, and the sun wasn't up far enough to be in the driver's eyes, either. He said he saw the bus, and thought he hit a mailbox (all of which are set so that he'd have had to go in the ditch), and lied about hitting a deer on the interstate to not get in trouble with his bosses.
He was arrested more than fifty miles from here, in Strafford, after debris left at the scene was matched to his truck, and evidence on his truck matched back to the little girl.
I don't recall the bus ever stopping in the road out in front of my house. I don't recall the bus doing pickups from the road in front of the house. I am not sure if it turns into the trailer park. But yesterday morning, it was in a driveway across the road from the trailer park, facing the trailer park. Bus driver claims to have seen the whole thing.
I'd say the city has a good bit of culpability in this, too, depending on their school bus policy and enforcement of such. Like I said: the speed limit isn't enforced out here, and there's no "school bus stop" sign anywhere. There's at least that much fault to be assigned to them. Hell, where that's concerned, maybe the case could be made that the
county sheriff and/or highway patrol's partially at fault, since speed
limits aren't enforced and it happened just outside city limits.
The little girl's mother...has already been punished. I'm not going to dogpile on her like some of the locals have. And they have. And who knows? My almost-eight-year-old is damn fast, and is often out the door and most of the way to the car before I can yelp on mornings we're running late. Maybe the parent(s) didn't have a chance to prevent it from happening.
I will say that this is rage inducing. I can't imagine why this wasn't avoided, even counting out the lying, careless son of a bitch that murdered a little girl by his negligence. The city's policies should have prevented it. The bus driver...unless they were not following policies set in place when they did as they did, I don't see how they have any responsibility for what happened.
But the wouldn't be the first child their school district has killed through their negligence.
And knowing the way the city council/school board works, this likely won't be the last child killed through their negligence, either.
1 hour ago