I've had the devil's own time trying to find a tolerably good pair of headphones that I can afford. I'd LOVE a set of top of the line audiophile headphones, but I use mine ALL THE TIME. HEAVY use. Because I listen to music while I'm writing, from the time I drop the kids off in the morning to the time I go pick them up in the afternoon during the school year, and while they're watching kids' programming or DVDs. I'd wear a set out so fast it wouldn't be worth the money that could nearly pay a mortgage payment.
My $50 headphones had really good sound for the price point. Better than most I'd dealt with to that point. But. They only lasted me two months past the cheaper headphones I'd been using up to that purchase. Not worth it (it would have been if they'd lasted me four months longer than they did).
I tried the same brand, but a generation older. Shitty sound, and the band was too big for my head, even on the smallest setting.* A retread of a wired pair I'd liked two years ago turned out the same. That pair got returned.
I asked Odysseus to get me a $5 p.o.s. pair from Walmart while I hunted for a decent pair in my price range. The sound was crappy, but what do you expect from these?
Then, about a week ago, I found these. Wireless or wired (means the audio cable can be replaced when the wire breaks), decent sound...$16. Sturdier built than the Altec Lansing set that broke at the band above the hinge.
So far, I'm pretty pleased with these. And if they break before the 12 month mark, I'm only out $16, not $50, and can afford to replace them pretty much immediately.
In the meantime, I'm back at work on Gods and Monsters...a bit over halfway done. I've topped the 50K word mark, and with the kids back in school and the outside editing project done, I've picked up and started transcribing the next couple chapters that I already have written out in my little green Walmart notebook in fountain pen while waiting on the kids' swim lessons (which ended the first week of August, right before the back to school shopping rush started).
And even better, I'm back at work with music: Avenged Sevenfold, Halestorm, Mettalica, Fall Out Boy, and In This Moment.
12 hours ago