This is the third night that the pixie has spent in the toddler bed, instead of the crib. She's been such a good, big girl.
Both kids have been little rays of sunshine, recently. Very affectionate, cheerful, and happy. Lots of happy play together, and lots of shrieking giggles. The pixie has taken to greeting anyone in a room she runs into with a huge smile (complete with dimples) and a "Hi!"
The imp now runs up and flings his arms around me, and chirps, "Hug you, Mama. I love you, Mama!"
And, of course, Mama melts into her socks. So does Daddy, when imp does that to Daddy. So does anyone else in the imp's life.
The imp will be four years old, next month. He's about four inches shy of four feet tall, already. He's currently in size 10 shoes. Still only weighs about 32 pounds--he's a beanpole. A very strong one. He can carry a gallon of milk for a short way. With a five pound bag of apples in the other hand.
The pixie will be two in December. She just had a growth spurt. In about a week, she shot up about two inches, outgrew some of her favorite outfits, and had to have a larger size of shoes. She's now in size 7--which seems to be a half-size smaller than boys' size 7. She can still wear her brother's size 6 sneakers comfortably.
I'm working my way through The Last Pendragon. It's going to take a while. I've already added a few bits to the early part of the book--the problem isn't ideas, but time. And the first paper is coming in next Wednesday, so my time is going to be even more limited.
As for The Godshead, I'm strongly considering cutting a few of the stories out. If I do that, I'll be posting them on a webpage for the book (series, really--I've got other ideas set in that world). Honestly, it was tons of fun to write, and I'm betting that, instead of the book I've got 26,000 words written on, it'll be another book in that series. In fact, I'm almost sure of it. I've got a character snarking in my head about everything I've been doing, lately, and nagging me about starting to plan out his book.
That's something I may be able to do--outlining a book that isn't written yet doesn't take nearly as long as outlining one that is as I'm revising and rewriting.
But not in the next two or three weeks. My Comp II students have a paper coming due next Wednesday, and my Comp I students have a paper coming due the next Monday.
I have my colleague's grading to do today, and my classes' blogs. And grocery shopping. And housework. And in a couple of weeks, I'm going to have to add diversity training, collegiality training, and other progressivist bullshit training in order to keep my job to what the university must assume is an otherwise empty schedule.
May every twit involved in foisting this onto everybody on campus be afflicted with explosive diarrhea, and regurgitating toilets at their home. Fucking idiots.
39 minutes ago
Oh, gads, all the "We think you're a bad person" training sessions. Luckily ours are all via BlackBoard powerpoint presentations. (Seriously: the Sexual Harassment one could be read almost as a primer on HOW to harass someone sexually.)
ReplyDeleteI guess my department is pretty collegial; we kind of have an understanding that if someone says something really boneheaded and offensive the person who is offended has the right to kick the other person's ass (figuratively speaking). (Still, I think Biology departments tend to be less touchy-feely and more willing to put up with ribald jokes than many are. I learned a lot of my good dirty jokes from my male colleagues...and no, I wasn't offended by them at all. I would have been more offended if they felt like I was too "sensitive" to hear them)
The admin pukes with bad attitudes really need to quit projecting onto the ones that make their jobs even remotely justifiable (i.e., the faculty).