Friday, September 28, 2012

FFOT: miscellaneous

  • Getting up to walk a puppy at four a.m. can fuck off.  With cheez.  
  •  Not being able to get to sleep before midnight, for whatever reason, when I know I'm going to be getting up at 4:00, 6:30, and for the last time at 7:00 can take a flying leap off the purple people-eater from my nightmare between 6:30 and 7:00, and swan dive into an indigo fuck off.
  •  Students who can't read a schedule of due dates, assignment sheets, or step-by-step instructions with pictures to fucking do something fucking right the first fucking time can fuck off--but they probably won't know how, and would want someone to do it for them.  
  • Politicians and politics.  And people who are fervent true believers in a particular political ideology to the point that they're still campaigning for Toad Akin can fuck right the fucking fuckety fuck off.
  • Cancer.  Cancer can fuck off and die.  
  • Obamacare, its authors, and each and every fucktard fuckstick that fucking voted for it, as well as that traitorous fuck on the fucking Supreme Fucking Court can fuck off so hard that their ancestors and  descendants to the eighteenth generation can feel violated.  You fucking cockbiting fuckbaits just fucking insured that we won't fucking find a fucking cure for any-fucking-thing, much less fucking cancer.  
  • Entitlement spending, and the proponents thereof, can fuck off with a copy of Dave Ramsey's collected works on how money works, how to create and maintain a budget, and how to get out (and stay out) of debt turned sideways, folded until it's all corners, and jammed up their collective ass, just like they've done with the debt to the rest of us.
  • Meetings, bureaucrats, paperwork, and stupid hoops to make the bosses feel like their job is more important than the workers' jobs can fuck off.


  1. Cancer can FOAD. I just found out about another person I know who has it.

    Also, students with mega-entitlement-mentalities can FOAD. No, I won't re-teach a whole day's class for you personally just because you overslept!

    1. Heh. Yeah. I've had people come to my office hours on campus, and ask what we covered in class, but never a whole day's lecture, and not because they overslept!

  2. A repeat Oldcatman Cartoon.......

  3. I'm sure your online students know how to FO. After all, the internet is for porn.

    1. ...unless they're handed detailed instructions with pictures. Then, they're lost.

  4. By any chance, are you a speechwriter for Billy Joe Whatzit, the panty-wetting frontboy for Green Day?

    1. ...umm...what?

      And, just for the record, I cannot stand Green Day. "Basket Case" really made me hate them the way I hate all speshul snowflakes.

    2. If you didn't see the clip by now, Billy Bob used your favorite f word about three dozen times in a two minute rant. We really should not laugh at people having meltdowns like that but sometimes you just gotsta.

    3. Ah...I see, now. The F-bomb is the last refuge of the ignorant and stupid, and of the frustrated to near-incoherence.


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