Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Apparently I have the sense of humor of a ten-year-old boy.

Because this had me burying my face in a throw pillow so that I didn't wake the kids up with howls of laughter. 

Are the Mars rovers becoming sentient, with a Marine's mentality?


  1. Now we need to send one to Venus and draw a nekkid chick...

    $80mil Portapotty grafitti, I love it.

    When we colonize Mars, this needs to be made into a park, walled off, and preserved.

    1. "And now, for the first art created on Mars by human effort..."

      "What the fuck? Somebody drew a penis on the planet? What were they, ten?"

      "No. Nerds."

  2. "We're NASA. We drew a penis on Mars. Beat that, Russia."

    hahahahaha. This pleases my inner 10 year old greatly.


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