Friday, March 29, 2013

Oh, fuck yeah!

I really hate the Westboro Baptist freaks.  I love seeing anything that inconveniences them--the stories about bikers and veterans that disrupt their attention-grab-attempts at funerals are personal favorites of mine.

This takes the cake. 

Phelps's spawn* was being interviewed, and a naked, 500 pound man rushed him, knocked him to the floor, and sat on him, yelling "Who's your daddy, now?" 

Better yet, there's video of the humiliation, if you have a strong enough stomach.

I would like to send a huge FUCK YEAH!! out to Billy the Fridge.

*The "church" in question claims that this is a hoax, that there's no one by the name of David Phelps in the "church"; however, I wouldn't believe them if they said the sky was blue, if that happened to make them look bad.


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