But I firmly believe that Planned Parenthood abortion providers and advocates are going to hell. To say that a person who went in to have their unborn baby murdered and the doctor committing the murder have the right to kill the baby anyway if it manages to survive what they attempted to do, and is born alive and breathing is horrendous.
I've had people tell me that being pro-life and pro death penalty is being a hypocrite. I don't think it is. The person who's been sentenced to death has committed first degree murder--has coldly planned and executed a plan designed to end in the death of another person. The person on death row is less than a rabid animal, and should not be permitted to be anywhere near civilization. A baby aborted has literally done nothing wrong. The only person who has, in that instance, is the baby's mother, who has coldly planned and executed a plan that she intends to end in the death of an innocent. Her baby. Honestly, I think almost the same of a woman who chose to have an abortion as I think of a first degree murderer--almost, because most of these women have bought into lies propagated by Planned Parenthood and the death culture of the left.
Now, being pro-abortion and anti-death penalty...now that's not hypocritical, either. Because those who are pro-abortion are also pro-first degree murder. Being pro-abortion is evil.
*I am not fully anti-abortion. I do believe it should be legal for a doctor to perform, but not for a woman to choose because she wants to end an unwanted, unplanned pregnancy. Sometimes, abortion is the best option for the fetus, and sometimes it's necessary to save the life of the mother.
1 hour ago
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