Gun-free zones = target rich environments for shooters.
I've said it before. Often. I'm preaching to the choir, here, I know. But I am getting so pissed at the government officials on all levels that designate victim disarmament zones that I could scream. Every politician that proposes and/or votes for measures that disarm the law abiding citizens, permitting criminals to prey on them without fear of consequences are no better than the criminals that commit showy murders like the most recent one in Colorado.
So, what can we do? I don't know about other states, but Missouri has pretty lenient policies toward ignoring victimization zone signs: first call to police just results in them asking you to leave. It isn't until the third time that there's any real penalty.
I, for one, don't go into victimization zones. Not unless it's absolutely necessary. And I often ignore the "disarm yourself for the convenience and safety of criminals" signs.
If there had been one person in that theater in Colorado, the shooter would have been dead right there, rather than in police custody right now. Maybe some of his victims would still be alive, and others uninjured.
Politicians and opponents of our rights to defend ourselves from violent attack have the blood on their hands for this just as surely as the little wimp that couldn't deal with being a loser, and took a gun to a crowded theater.
I have nothing more to say on the matter.
9 hours ago
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