Instead of raising minimum wage--which has been proven to destroy jobs--we lower it gradually until it's gone?
If employers are forced to pay $10/hour for individuals who are surgically attached to their cell phones, they're just going to pile more onto the workers they have instead of hiring new people. Why? Because the self-absorbed morons entering the workforce now are not worth $10/hour.
Beyond that, employers that have to pay their workers more than they're worth tend to pass the expenses on to us, the customers, raising prices on everything from food to clothing to anything else imaginable. Those poor, deluded idiots that crow about having more money to spend will find that, while they have more money, it doesn't go any further than their old paychecks did.
8 hours ago
You're telling me. I can't buy much more with 8.16/hr than I could at 3.25/hr when I first started working.
ReplyDeleteAnd people do think they'll be able to buy more. I try and tell them. I still remember when coke was $0.25/can...
I remember how prices shot up the last time minimum wage was raised by command from on high. The ones cheering about how they'll be able to buy more are the ones who can't look ahead to see consequences and make plans--you know, the ones who will be poor no matter how much they make, because they'll go into nasty, horrible, huge consumer debt.
DeleteIf you own a business (I have), it's yours and you should have 100% control over it.
ReplyDeleteHowever, if the government forces you to pay $10.00 minimum wage, then you raise your prices!
You're not running a charity business!
That's exactly how it happens. Either that, or you don't hire if you don't think your new hires will be worth the minimum wage...which, considering what I've seen coming out of colleges, lately, is what I'd be doing.