I think, given how many farmers still rely on the Farmers' Almanac, (with a track record of 80-85% accuracy, I would, too), were it not for the various states' mandating a certain percentage of all gasoline must be ethanol (varying by states), many farmers would have probably planted sorghum instead of corn, this year. Many chose to gamble on being able to keep their fields irrigated.
And they lost. Badly. Rolled snake eyes, this year.
But, darn it, the ethanol must flow! The government says so!
However...anyone who lives in the Midwest has probably driven past fields full of corn that didn't tassle well, corn that died off half-size, corn that just flat out could not produce because it didn't have enough water.
Oh, here and there, you'd drive past a gorgeous, green field that stood higher than the others. Those were the ones that read the Almanac, and planned ahead to use an irrigation system. Including planning for the cost of water, and extra fuel for their tractors to tow the frames around.
But, by and large, most of the corn crop failed. A reduced amount of corn means a reduced amount available. I'd be willing to bet that the great zero will probably declare it an emergency resource and grab it all for ethanol production. And, likely, there still won't be enough for the mandated percentage to be added to gasoline. Which will jack up gas prices.
However, our food animals also eat that corn. If there's no corn, ranchers are going to have to butcher their stock, because the prices for animal food are going to drastically increase. I'm going to expect a sudden drop in the price of chicken, pork, and beef, as that stock floods the market, and I'm going to stuff my freezer full of all three.
Next year, ranchers aren't going to have stock to butcher. Meat prices are going to spike.
And so, we're facing another spike in both food and fuel prices. All because some people can't keep themselves from meddling, and they happen to be the idiots that we, the people, elected.
8 hours ago
food prices estimated to raise at lest 5% within the next few months. i say next few weeks.
ReplyDeleteGood thing Odysseus is getting paid on Friday. I won't have a paycheck until the last working day of September.