I don't begrudge the whole week spent celebrating our nation's independence--well, not much at least. I just wish that people actually thought about what it is they're celebrating (and how much of it we just lost with the recent SCOTUS ruling), and I wish to high heaven that there was a bit of common sense used in when people set off their fireworks.
No, we're not under a burn ban, right now. We are, however, about as dry as a tinderbox.
And the knuckleheads living around us started setting off fireworks at about 8:30--an hour after I got the pixie down, waking her up--and didn't stop until nearly midnight. That made it incredibly hard to get the imp down and asleep.
People in towns ought to be considerate enough to think about their neighbors, neighbors' kids, and probable bedtimes, and avoid the noisy stuff after about 10:00. Scared the bat crap out of both of the kids.
Unfortunately, we all know how considerate others can be: not at all, not when it impacts what they want to do, when they want to do it.
8 hours ago
COLORADO has banned 'fireworks' state wide.......
ReplyDeleteIf I see 1 fireworks going off....."Hello, 911!"
Are you guys in a burn ban?
DeleteIf you need me, I'll be in the bunker.
ReplyDeleteIs Progeny at her grandparents' or something?
DeleteNo. I just don't like loud explosive noises I'm not in control of. Makes me kinda jittery.
DeleteIt's easy enough to distinguish between the sounds of fireworks and those of gunfire, at least. Otherwise, there'd probably be lots of people having to change their pants around this area. I'd say one in every two households in town have a gun.
DeleteI get up at 4:30 am most days. Therefore, I don't exactly appreciate the late-night fireworks myself. It's been pretty dry here, too, so of course in addition to the noise keeping me up I keep visualizing a not-quite-spent bottle rocket or something landing in the leaves collected on my roof...(No, I can't get them down myself. It's been like 105 here lately and I don't fancy dying up on my roof).
ReplyDeleteThere's also some jerk somewhere on my street who thinks it's just dandy to park his boom car and leave it booming at 2 am. I wish I knew where he lived; I'd take up the bagpipes and be sure to practice early every morning as near his property as I could legally get.
Better idea: those guys tend to leave their windows open to better hear their "music."
DeleteDip shaving foam in liquid nitrogen and toss frozen cans through those open windows. Then, sit back and enjoy the show. It'll probably damage the stereo enough that they won't be able to do that again for a while.