Thursday, July 19, 2012


Survivors has been submitted to Kindle Direct.  They say it'll take up to 12 hours for it to be made available.  I'll give y'all a link when it's up.

Update: Bill asked for an excerpt.  I'll have to re-read the fine print to see if I can do that, but in the meantime, here's the cover blurb:

A collection of short stories exploring the pivotal moment where the decision is made: do I want to be a survivor, or just a victim?   Will I allow abuse or tragedy to limit me, or do I rise above it?  Some choose to surrender and be victims, some choose to recover and be survivors. 

Update 2: The book is here.  Click on "look inside" for the first few stories. 


  1. Contrats Ms. H. !! Any chance you could post the intro here?

  2. Not to worry, I read the preview that was available - that's really what I was looking for.

    I suppose the words would be "very powerful" or something like that. Some really haunting glimpses into folks - I can identify a bit too closly with one or two.

    I also suspect this will not be one of those "I really, really liked it" or "I really, really hated it." type of reads. Looks like it will be something to provide lots of thought, something to chew on and mull over.

    So far, nicely done. It's waiting for me on my Kindle when I get home tonight. I'll let you know how it goes.


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