Monday, September 29, 2008

Exactly how is this a "lose-lose" situation?

A man in Indiana killed a man who broke into his home to rape his 17-year-old daughter. The AP report says that the homeowner, 64-year-old Robert McNally, found the intruder, 52-year-old convicted sex offender David T. Meyers, naked in his daughter's bedroom, holding rope and a knife. McNally wasn't trying to kill Meyers--all he did was grab the naked criminal in a headlock and drag him into the hall to pin him while his wife called 911.

Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your point of view), Meyers had a heart condition, and had a heart attack.

Police don't anticipate charges against McNally, because all he did was pin the perp to the floor in the hall while his family awaited the police. However, the case is being investigated by the county's prosecuting attorney.

McNally called the whole situation a "lose-lose" situation, because Meyers had family, too. In my opinion, that makes McNally a much better person than many of us. If he can sympathize with the family of the man who almost raped his daughter, he's very good man, and an example for the rest of us to try to follow. We know he has to be his daughter's hero.

1 comment:

  1. McNally is a HERO in every since of the word. If that would have happened in any other house hold in America the intruder would have been shot to say the least.


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