Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Now, there's an idea!

Nashville has lowered their crime rate by--big surprise, here--deporting all illegal aliens as they're arrested.  The sheriff has stated that, any time they arrest an immigrant, they check whether he or she is here legally.  Every time.  No matter how minor the misdemeanor.  

Apparently, even minor arrests can signal big trouble.  The county sheriff's department reported that one man they arrested had been arrested and released, rather than deported, before the program was initiated, committed a count of felony sexual assault on a child in Houston.  And instead of being deported from there, was released again.  This time, after the instigation of the new program, he won't be released to re-offend.

This is the right idea.  Often, illegal aliens who are arrested and released, instead of deported, go on to commit more, and worse, crime.   

Apparently, Nashville isn't the only place with the right idea.  Unfortunately, they seem to be the only place with clear lines of communication between local law enforcement, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).   All too often, local law enforcement try to inform ICE that they have possible illegals in their custody, and either ICE doesn't get the message, or ignores it.

Unfortunately, places that do have the right idea are outnumbered by sanctuary cities, where ICE isn't called at all.  These cities often have some of the worst crime rates in the country--but refuse to admit that it's because of the criminals that come in from other countries.

Nashville has the right idea.  It would be wonderful to see that good idea spread at least as fast as the fool idea that we should grant sanctuary to criminals.


  1. For the few places in U.S.A. that do the right thing and deport illegal aliens thank God you are there to protect your citizens. This should become mandatory across our country.

  2. Amen to that, Sister! We have a sanctuary city to our north, and one to our south. All any sheriff that wanted my (and most of the town's) vote would have to do was adopt Nashville's policy.



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