Sunday, September 14, 2008

Is this for real this time? Or just more of the same?

Russia claims--again--to be leaving Georgia's territory.  I'll believe it when I see it, and I sincerely doubt that they'll be willing to leave the breakaway territories where their "citizens" live.   After all, Georgia still claims those regions as part of their sovereign territory.

Hmm.  Interesting that they weren't as supportive of their own breakaway region's desire for independence.  In fact, rather than letting Chechnya have the independence from their government that the Chechen citizens so desired, they responded with more brutal force than Georgia did with their two--and nobody came to Chechnya's defense.  

Hypocrisy, thy name is socialism.


  1. Does make one wonder if the Russian will ever keep their word. Feel for the country Georgia and power struggle taking place in that region.

  2. While I don't think we'll see the draft come back--nor does the army want it to, with the current education and fitness levels of actual volunteers--I do think we need to see the army building up again, in both men (and women) and equipment.

    It's not that I think we're next, it's that I think we're definitely on the list of "that's a power that rivals us; take it out." Just like the first, post WWII cold war.


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