Pennsylvania Democrat Babbette Josephs has a problem with the whole idea of making women get an ultrasound before permitting them to murder their unborn children. She has a major problem with the women in their state congress that introduced the law, calling them "men with breasts."
I can only assume she doesn't own a mirror. This is Representative Josephs.
I don't know what the representatives she was mocking look like, but at worst it can only be a case of the pot not realizing that it's made of the same cast iron as the kettle.
I don't have a problem with honest debate that doesn't call names or cast aspersions on the other side's supporters. Unfortunately, it seems that no one is capable of debate that uses more logos than pathos, or logical fallacies such as straw men and ad hominem attacks.
Call it the composition teacher in me, but I begin to think that part of the political process should be the required reading of Aristotle's On Rhetoric before an individual is allowed to toss their hat in the ring for any office.
3 hours ago
I agree with you. That is one ugly bitch, she is enough to make a straight man gay and proud of it.
P.S I need to find some porn to make myself feel better about being a male.
Delete...and ugly enough to make a lesbian turn straight. Amen about the porn, too.