Friday, March 14, 2014

FFOT: I got nothin'

I managed to finish a draft last night, and I'm feeling less than with it this morning, kinda wrung out and out of it.  Have at it: tell the world what's gotten on your tits this past week. 


  1. Well, I got my taxes back from the accountant and I owe just over $3000 state and federal. On top of all the withholding. So this is aggravating. That's what that expression means, right? I've never heard that one before.....

    1. Which expression? Getting on your tits? Yes. Annoyed or aggravated to the point of wanting to scream.

      And that would be more than annoying.

      Government has always been a parasite. Unfortunately, the parasite is bleeding the host too much for the host to be healthy enough to remove it.

  2. Porn. Porn can FO with... Oh wait, they did. And that. And that. And what is that thing? Eww.

    1. You have me confused...why are you giving porn a sending-off today?

    2. It was intended to be funny. Apparently wasn't. Oh well, can't win them all.

      Note to self, never make jokes before caffeine.

    3. It's okay. I'm really not with it this morning. It might have been undercaffeination on my part.

  3. This week. This week can FTFO. I put in three, 14-hour days, went to a friend's funeral, and the damn week still isn't finished with me yet.

    Also hearing part of the interview with "Surfer Dude on Food Stamps" and how I felt after that (after my 3, 14-hour days) can also FTFO.

    1. I found out last Friday that one of my good friends (the imp's godmother) has inflammatory breast cancer. I'm still reeling, and hoping I won't have a funeral to attend in the near future.

      I hear you on telling the whole week to FTFO. The only good day for me was Tuesday.


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