My kids have a new best friend: TinCan Assassin's Progeny. She's two years older than my imp (and four older than my pixie), but you'd swear they'd always been friends. There has been much cuteness around here, what with three littles running around. Yes, much mischief, but that's just kids.
Like today, the pixie got hollered at for getting smack in the way in the kitchen. She breaks into wails and tears, and goes running into the living room, right to her new "best, best friend" for hugs and comfort. Talk about cute!
Progeny has also been terrifically helpful in keeping the kids out from under foot while I'm cleaning. Usually, I have one or the other kid coming running into wherever I happen to be, asking for help, for hugs, or for something they can do which will help me clean wherever I'm at. Usually, I have to rack my brains for something they can do, and I can work quicker without helpers than I can with them.* However, for the past two days, TinCan Assassin's Progeny has been keeping them occupied and happy, and I have gotten an unprecedented amount of housework** done.
The weather has been nice enough lately that the dog has spent almost all day, almost every day, outside. That makes for a very, very happy dog.
The cats have freaked right the fuck out over the past couple of days. Not only have I disarranged their hiding places (cleaning and throwing out trash and clutter), but I brought in new people. Shadow hides, and waits to see if they hurt Cricket. If they don't the first time they come, she comes out to peek at them and watch to see if they're okay with Cricket. It isn't until after a couple of visits watching that Shadow is willing to come out of hiding.
She's almost willing. She was fine taking my chair at the table (under the tablecloth, and under the table) right next to one of the new people, today.
I've got another full week before I get the first round of papers in. I'm pretty sure I'm going to have one average class, and the other will be a bit above average. In the meantime, I'm going to see if I can't get a room in the library to use for office hours. And see if I can't get finished with Pendragon Resurgent.
Speaking of, I managed to get a thousand words written on Thursday, despite being jumpy to the point of not being able to focus on anything.
We'll have to see what next Thursday's office hours bring.
*There are exceptions: the imp is a wonderful book wrangler, the pixie actually sees messes, even if she doesn't know what to do with them, and needs step by step instructions on how to pick stuff up, and the imp vacuumed the hall, on Wednesday.
**Unprecedented since I've had children.
3 hours ago
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