Monday, July 6, 2009

Big milestones.

My son is nine months old, today. He said his first word yesterday. It was "Daddy," if you were curious. Again, here he is with a stuffed monkey for size comparison, at four days:

And here's the same monkey with him at nine months.

And here's another, for good measure.

He is just an amazing little guy, and cracks me up on a regular basis.


  1. Absolutely. He's more than quadrupled his birth weight, and already eating us out of house and home in baby food. :D

  2. You must be breast feeding him,
    with a bite of 2 of steak and potatoes!

    He has incredible eyes..dark blue--can't tell.

  3. I am breast feeding him. And don't joke about the steak and potatoes--his favorite meal is beef & gravy with sweet potatoes and corn.

  4. And yeah, his eyes are pretty blue. Kind of a bright blue with a dark blue ring around the edge.

  5. You know, now that I look back at this post, I'm just a touch surprised that "Daddy" was his first word. I sort of expected a different word...

  6. Like what? "Fuck you?" He gives one of my very good (but very far left) friends a look that says that all the time. :D

  7. Then I have taught the young Grasshopper well.

  8. It's amazing how much modern toys can be shrunk these days....


    Beautiful! Thanks for posting!

  9. Thanks, JeffS, Kate P. He's doing great, and he's happy all the time.


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