President Obama has asked for more money. $83.4 billion--that's $83,400,000,000--for military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. He says it's urgent.
Urgent it may be, but he's missing a lot more that's just as urgent. For instance, he ignored North Korea's missile--I mean satellite launch. He threw Poland under the bus with the missile shield, and the USSR--sorry, I mean Russia--is now test-firing ICBMs. Iran is edging ever closer to becoming a nuclear power (even France is worried about that, even though Obama doesn't seem to be), and Obama's bowing and scraping to a foreign king (which implies that we are not soverign, and owe fealty to said Islamofacist ruler).
And he says the military request is urgent. More urgent is getting this asshole's majority revoked so that the reach of his idiocy is limited.
3 hours ago
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