Warning: Very strong language ahead. Do not read if you are offended by cursing.
Despicable?!? You fucking bitch! How dare you call an American tradition--peaceable assembly to protest taxes--despicable?! You cunt! You should feel lucky we don't perform the other traditional American function when faced with taxation without representation! The last time a petty despot tried that, we threw his entire government out and created our own!
And this time, you treasonous whore, unless you fled to France, where I'd pray for an Imam to stone your nasty ass to death, you'd have nowhere to flee to, since you are a citizen of the land you find so despicable. And you would be hung. Or shot. Because you are a fucking traitor to the Constitution and the United States of America.
Take your head out of Obama's ass, you brainless twat, and look around you. You and your ilk--and by that I mean all politicians, Democrat and Republican alike--are the despicable sacks of shit that caused us to have to protest.
The really ironic part of the story is where she said all of the protesters were radical right-wing GOPers, and the headline at the bottom of the page is about how the Republican party is contemplating embracing the protesters.
In other words, this was not a plot by the Republicans to discredit Obama. First off, there were as many conservatives who vote Democrat, and feel let down by their own party, as there were Republicans or Libertarians.
Second, Obama doesn't need any help. He's discrediting himself fast enough.
3 hours ago
Holly: "How dare you call an American tradition--peaceable assembly to protest taxes--despicable?! You cunt!"
But she didn't call the "American tradition of peaceable assembly to protest" despicable. I am glad you provided the link with citation so a person can see this for themselves.
I don't think it despicable that people want to protest their taxes going down. But it is a little bizarre.
"You should feel lucky we don't perform the other traditional American function when faced with taxation without representation!"
You have taxation without representation? Really? You don't have any elected representatives? Maybe you ought to look into that. I bet you do.
I don't suppose you see the irony in your verbal attack of this lady (hint: elected representative) for exercising her right of free speech and giving her reasoned opinion about the Teabag parties, when she is just doing what you are doing. Albeit it much more politely and with good reasons provided. Many actions at these parties were an embarrassment and co-opting a venerated American tradition and despoiling it with this silly corporate stunt was a little despicable. Just a little.
But carry on. If anyone tries to interfere with the right to act foolishly in public, we'll sick the ACLU on them. Freedom includes the right to act really foolish! Says so right there in the manual.
Eh, when I wrote it, I was a bit pissed at her implying that peaceful rallies were despicable. I wasn't any happier with the Republican response, but she happened to be the straw that broke the camel's back after a long day with a fussy infant (my six month old is teething).