Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Been busy.

REALLY busy.  

As in: I finished a book (in second draft form) busy, and got it off to my less-busy beta readers (one is too busy, and has another one of my pieces he's working through).  I've also put new covers on my Kindle versions of my Legends series, and got them linked together.  

I think next year, I'm going to start pulling and revising my books, one at a time.  

I've also been busy with the kids--the imp has an extracurricular club at the library on some weekends (but not others), and the pixie has an anime/manga club she's been hovering around the edges of at the library. I need a good calendar because I'm having a hard time keeping up with who's doing what when.  No, I can't just use my phone, for a few different reasons: I don't know how to set it up, I hate it, and I tend to ignore it when I'm not picking up groceries.  I don't use the calendar on my laptop because I refuse to allow that much free data out there for other people.  

No, I just need to...get a calendar.  A good desk calendar.  Because what I tried doing last year ended up...well.  Mostly destroyed.  Because it didn't stand up well under getting something slid over the top of it.  And then it had something spilled on it, and I gave up.

Hmm.  Maybe a vinyl folder cover for a calendar would work...This takes some thought.  



  1. I print these out and put the notes where they are needed
    I also made a single sheet weekly calendar (Monday then 5 or 6 lines and a divider line before the Tuesday & so on) Took a little experimenting to get it to all fit right.
    On this I write what needs to be done on that day... this works for me as long as I remember to print it out & look at the master calendar to fill it in.
    I have them on the wall in front of me right now.
    Keeping all the stuff straight can be a pain, I hope you get a system figured out that works for you!

    1. I've done my own calendar pages before. The problem is how...torn up and crumpled they end up. Even before stuff gets spilled on them. And since I use fountain pens exclusively, when something spills, the not-bulletproof inks tend to become illegible.

    2. Get a pencil & scotch tape or a those small clamp type paper clips. I print out the whole year and use the clamp type paper clip to hang the 12 of them in front of me.
      I just move the old month to the back when the new month arrives, that way I can see now and look to see what's coming up or what happened.
      The weekly one is easier to see what's happening right now. I wish I could send you a picture, it really is worth a LOT of words! :-)

    3. OH! I see the disconnect, now. I work from my laptop in my recliner. I have NOWHERE for a desk for me, and no way to hang a calendar. It has to lay on the table between my recliner and my other half's.

      My planner's my master calendar. It lives in my purse.

    4. We all have our own ways, I hope you find something that works for you!

    5. I THINK what I'm going to do is get a vinyl folder with brads to hold the calendar, and leave that shut when I'm not doing planning stuff.

      Pencils, ball point pens, roller ball pens, and gel ink pens all make my hands hurt worse. Fountain pens do not require pressure to write.


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