Thursday, October 3, 2013

Who'd have thought?

I had a dentist's appointment, this morning--the first check-up in a very long time (last cleaning was in '99 or '00).  I need a significant cleaning, antibacterial mouthwash for really bad gingivitis, and will need a few new fillings, and a few old fillings replaced. 

And apparently, the dentist's office will hand out electric toothbrushes with serious orthodontic work--which, apparently, mine qualifies as.  The hygienist characterized cleaning half of my teeth as "aggressive cleaning"---because the worst of it was below the gum line.

Overall, worse than I hoped (where my wallet was concerned), but not nearly as bad as I feared (where my teeth are concerned).  Although, I have decided that dentists should not have anything resembling a Dremmel tool for cleaning teeth.  No, it didn't really hurt my teeth (for the most part), but the high-pitched whine transmitted through my jaw sure did hurt my ears. 


  1. I fear the dentist. Glad your experience was not as bad as you expected.

    1. I was afraid there'd be something wrong that meant I was going to loose my teeth. My mother started losing hers about five or so years after I was born. Nothing that bad for me.

  2. You mean the "sonicator"? Good lord I hate that thing. Finally at the last visit the hygienist saw me cringing and just removed the tartar the old fashioned way, with one of those mini Captain Hook tools.

  3. Cue the song from "Little Shop of Horrors"

    1. I'll have to watch it to find out what you're talking about.


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