Wednesday, April 4, 2012

It's not judicial activism, dipshit.

"The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority..."--The Constitution of the United States; Article III, section 2, clause 1.
The Muppet in Chief is right in exactly one item in his argument: the Supreme Court isn't an elected body.  That, however, is where his argument goes off the rails.  

Mandatory Medicaid (otherwise known as Obamacare) is on the ragged edge of being declared totally unconstitutional--knock out that individual mandate, and the rest collapses like a house of cards.  Much like the New Deal in the '30's, it claims overarching authority over rights, responsibilities, and privileges that are specifically stated in the Constitution to be left to the states, or to the people, because they're not specifically granted to the federal government by said document. 

Obama thinks the Supreme Court should hold off on declaring his brainshart unconstitutional because, y'know, interstate commerce and New Deal and shit, but he clearly demonstrates a complete lack of both knowledge and understanding of history: the Supreme Court nearly declared the New Deal unconstitutional.  The only reason they didn't is because FDR played dirty, threatened them, and was prepared to back up that threat.  (I won't go further into that because I assume many of my readers know what went on, and if .gov doesn't know and wants to, they can fucking google it, because I don't want to give them any ideas.)  Obama has neither the brains to figure out how to threaten/blackmail a court where even one of the members he appointed thinks his brainshart is unconstitutional, nor does he have the balls to back it up (thanks for that much, at least, Michelle!). 

I know that the Federal Appeals Court expects the DOJ to explain Obama's thinking by tomorrow, but I really think they're asking the impossible.  Obama.  Doesn't.  Think.  He simply regurgitates talking points fed into his teleprompter by whoever has their hand up his ass making his mouth move.


  1. If that last paragraph were only true...

    He knows exactly what he's doing. This is all a big setup to help get these riots started this summer.

    He knows that all his "homies with hoodies" will never listen to anyone speaking the truth. He deliberately planted that falsehood in their pea-brained minds yesterday.

    This is nothing but a plot to cause trouble and to minimize the supreme court or do away with them completely.

    Always remember that he has a reason for everything he says and does no matter how un-factual or false his statements are or stupid his actions seem.

    1. I still think he's less real leader/would-be dictator, more Muppet. He knows what he wants to happen, but has no idea how to go about doing for himself. That's why he's the face for controllers he likely picked.


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